After trying different vocabulary books and being totally dissatisfied with them, I’ve decided to try doing “vocabulary of the week” this year. Basically, I’ll introduce one (or more) words each week, define them and give examples and then expect my kids to use the vocabulary on their own sometime during the week.
So, I was wondering if anyone had a good vocabulary list or knew where I might be able to find one.
The kids that I’d be doing this with are 12, 11, 8 and almost 7 if that makes a difference at all.
How about pulling the vocabulary words from a book you are reading aloud with them, or have them each pick an interesting word they come across during their independent reading? I would perhaps give the two older children a more challenging word or group of words than the two younger ones, but their yours and you know their capabilities 😀
I personally think it would be fun to draw it out from literature!
I’m personally suspicious of “external” vocabulary study. I know lots of lists of arcane words, in fact my son (for fun) gets a vocabulary word of the day in an email, but it is usually pretty obscure. I find that the brain tends to treat this sort of information as “trivia” and it gets filed away differently than words tied to real books we are reading–we remember those longer when we take a minute to look one up, because it was connected to something we cared about.
Also, if you want to use a “program” then IMO a Latin, Greek, or at least a roots program would give you way more “bang for the buck” than a program using individual vocabulary words, since you can get sometimes whole handfuls of English vocab words done with one good root. 🙂