vitamins for children

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  • With the upcoming cold months, I thought I would add a vitamin to my kids’ diet. Most are expensive and I don’t like the ingredients in some either. My kids eat pretty well, but I would like extra insurance. 🙂 Does anyone have a favorite brand that you have used for a while?

    Also, while on this topic, what about women’s vitamins? I want to take a multivitamin, and I tend to go back and forth on certain brands.



    These statements are mine alone.  SCM does not endorse in anyway what I say.  I am also NOT a doctor, don’t claim to be.  I am only telling you what I give my children daily.  This is my PERSONAL information. 

    The top 3 I would be looking at are 2500UI of Vit D3 if under 12.  A very good Omega3 daily and multi.  You will not fine any “good” ones at wal-mart, target etc.  You really need to go to a vitamin store.  We have GNC’s around here I don’t know where you are but I’m sure there is something like that.  Or order them online.  I don’t have a great one shop because I order my kids vit’s from Melaleuca (I’m a member) and I get the other 2 from my chiropractor who uses only natural ingredients.  You can buy these online at

    They also sell a great womens multivitamin.  Remember though.  With any vitamin you get what you pay for.  You only pay a couple dollars you only get a couple dollars worth of goodness.  Also, you will have to take more of them to get a good daily percentage of good out of them.

    That’s my 2 cents.  What my kids take, what I take (though I take more Vit D3 5000UI a day).  Good luck finding a good balance for your family.  Vitamins are hard and not cheap.  :0)



    I go w/whole food supplements more than vitamins. My personal belief is that if a supplement is not made w/things that you could eat, your boby will probably not assimilate most of it.

    There are some good brands you can find on Vitacost or other Websites. And they do list the ingredients.

    I take a specific brand of Barley green (powder I mixt w/water) because I have known someone who was cured of cancer using it.

    Also green drinks, you can add Chia seeds or Hemps seeds, loaded w/good stuff!!

    Vit.D is very good for the winter.


    I agree that whole foods are the best way to go and supplements should be as limited as possible. But we don’t eat fish, have dairy issues, and aren’t perfec eaters, etc. so we do take some.  Vitacost is a great place for quality at a good price…and usually free shipping for orders $49 plus.  Metagenics is a quality multivitamin (hubby and I take this…no iron).  Kids take Thorne, also quality.  We all take fish oil…Nordic Naturals is a good brand….make sure it’s purity tested.  For Vit. D, make sure it’s D3.  We take Carlson’s. HTH some:)  Gina

    Thank you ladies. Off to research your suggestions…:)


    Misty, can I ask how you came up with that vit. d dosage?  I understand you’re not a Dr. and don’t represent SCM…dittos here:)  I’m just wondering because I’m wrestling with our winter dose right now.  Last winter we did 2,000 for adults and 1,000 for kids with no known adverse effects. And at my reg. Dr. checkup my levels were fine.  But Mayo and mainstream rec. 600:  I tend to be more natural than mainstream, but like a balance.  I know Dr. Mercola rec. the dosage you take, and I respect him.  But he also says to blood test, which we don’t do regularly. 

    I get a little fearful when I read of too much causing kidney, liver, lung damage from calcium buildup…but think I read 4,000 as the upper max. dosage.  My natural nutritionist told me 1,000 daily (a few yrs. ago), plus there was 400 in our calcium supplemnt. On the flip side, our natural pharmacy says its fine to take 100,000IU daily for 3 days if sick and to do that anytime sick, even if monthly. Thought NOT continually, of course:) Please don’t do that without checking with a professional!  Remember I AM NOT ONE:) Not sure who to believe. If you have good articles, please share!  Thanks:) Gina

    Wrong post, sorry. 🙂


    Agree w/ Misty! Plus probiotics daily…this helps fight illnesses. When the boys seem like they are getting something we also include Silverbiotics, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Vitamin C from Emergen-C. The probiotics for kids are from Garden of Life and our Probiotics are from Dr. Ohira’s probiotics. Our Omega’s are also from Nordic Naturals.

    I have had D3 test and I was almost zilch!! A lot has come out about the effectiveness in combating the flu and colds!


    I also share the belief that if our diets are rich in whole foods, there should be no need for supplementation. We do not take any vitamins. The only supplements we use are Bio-Kult (therapeutic strength probiotic, just recently switched from Florajen) and Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil.

    If your diet is loaded with fresh fruits and veggies, many of them lacto-fermented, good fats like tallow, coconut oil, and real butter, grass-fed meat, and lots of pastured eggs, you’re going to be getting tons of minerals, vitamins, and probiotics that are easily broken down and absorbed by the body. Synthetic vitamins don’t give much, if any, actual vitamins because they’re fake. 

    Not a doctor and don’t claim to know everything…but I hope that’s helpful!



    Before taking Vitamin D3 in really high doses you should try and get the blood test at your doctors done to make sure that you are not just throwing money away. We are often deficient as we get older, but children are somewhat different and it also depends how much sun exposure you get…I had all of our levels tested, the girls had normal levels and needed to take only a maintenance dose, I had to take 2000 for a few months, then got checked again and I was back to normal. Our GP is very keen on Vit D3 and she is up on all the latest findings. I don’t like putting things into us that we don’t need and don’t like wasting the money either. I also like to get our vitamins and minerals from food, but do supplement from time to time with some things specific to my health conditions. Linda

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