Sonya (and others),
1. What are your thoughts on how Charlotte would have used the questions in her Geographical Readers? For example in Geographical Readers for Elementary Schools, Book II for Standard III on page 75, here are the first 10 questions of 54 in that section.
Questions on the Map of the British Isles.
1. What waters divide the island of Great Britain from the Continent ?
2. What countries have coasts on the further side of the North Sea?
3. The island of Great Britain contains three countries ; name them. Which is the most northerly ? The most westerly ? The most important ?
4. A range of hills partly divides England from Scotland ; name it.
5. What large island lies to the west of Great Britain ? What waters separate these two islands ?
6. How is England separated from France ? Name an island, two or three headlands, and two or three bays on the English shore of this channel.
7. What strait connects the English Channel with the North Sea? Sailing northward from this strait, what is the first headland we pass ?
8. What is the first large opening on the eastern coast? Name the great town upon this river.
9. Name any seaboard towns on the coast of the round eastern shoulder.
10. What rivers flow into the Wash ?
I attended a CM immersion class several years ago that addressed map questions such as these, but I’ve misplaced my notes. I’m interested in your thoughts from your research.
2. I’m debating assigning dd14 ch. 1-29 instead of 15-29 for the book since all of those chapters deal with Europe. I know the Visits book mentions letting them read the full book, if interested. I’m curious about your reasoning for not assigning it all.
3. Some of the info. is out of date, obviously. Have you used a certain research process that isn’t time consuming or a certain book to bring the knowledge up to date?
4. Do you have any suggestions for modern travel memoirs or other books related to Europe that you might suggest as free reads for middle or high school ages? We will read all of the Visits suggested books, but my kids have loved some go-alongs like Parvana’s Journey trilogy that we read with Middle East this year.
Many thanks,