Visits to Africa – Visit 1

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  • Deborah

    I’m a little confused as to what I’m supposed to guide the children to do with this? I get the instruction to look at the big picture, but what are we doing with the map on Visit 1? Are we just focusing on the 3 labeled countries? The instructions seem to say label all the other countries, but then why are the 3 already labeled? I don’t know why this is confusing me, but it is.

    Thank you for the help!

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s correct, Deborah. You would have the children look carefully at where those three labeled countries are located and copy them onto the blank map on page 9.

    2. Now take a close look at the countries highlighted on the map on the facing page: Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea. Copy them onto your map and remember them for next time.

    On Visit 2 they will be asked to label the countries they know and proceed from there with more new ones.

    Does that help?

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