Visits in Africa – what resources are needed?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography Visits in Africa – what resources are needed?

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  • missceegee

    What books are needed to go along with this geography study? I’m sure I’m just missing it, but I can’t find it.


    Is this what you are looking for? 🙂

    • Material World by Peter Menzel

    • Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel

    Peter Menzel traveled the world, staying with “average” families in many countries and

    documenting their ways of life. These two books that present his fascinating memoirs and

    captivating photography are used in all six books of the Visits to . . . series.

    • Pen

    • Tracing paper

    • A soft pencil (4B works well)

    • Colored pencils

    Recommended Reading

    Grades 1–3 or Family

    Most of these are picture books that younger students will particularly enjoy, but don’t

    overlook how much everyone can learn from a well-written children’s book. Feel free to share

    them with the whole family. Older students might read them to the younger students.

    • Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions by Margaret Musgrove

    • Beatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier

    • The Butter Man by Elizabeth Alalou and Ali Alalou

    • One Child, One Seed: A South African Counting Book by Kathryn Cave

    • We All Went on Safari: A Counting Journey through Tanzania by Laurie Krebs

    • Yatandou by Gloria Whelan

    Grades 3–12

    • Letters from Egypt by Mary Whatley (edited by Sonya Shafer, published by Simply Charlotte Mason)

    Sonya Shafer

    Material World and Hungry Planet are the two necessary books and will be used in all six notebooks. The others are recommended and will add a lot to your study, but it would be easy to complete the notebook without them. You can find the list for each notebook in its free sample.

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