View Month or Year plan?

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  • kerrissas

    I do want to schedule my son’s readings as a Chapter per week in certain books.  Is this option going to be available soon?

    I see no way to determine what we’re going to be working on a month from now.  I want to be able to plan far in advance.

    Perhaps an option could be added for Scheduling – 1) complete at own pace or 2) Schedule specific assignments/chapters for specific days/weeks.


    The CM organizer is designed to be more flexible than others. The very nature of that flexibility makes looking far in advance impossible b/c it doesn’t know what you’ve completed today or if you’ll cover 3 chapters of history in a day, etc. 

    You can plan a whole year out, but if you want something that puts ch. 28 of such and such book on Nov. 11, then this is probably not the organizer for you. The idea is that you schedule a literature book, for example, Little House on the Prairie, and you want to read 1 chapter a week on Mondays. It will show up each Mon. on the schedule, but if for some reason, you miss ch. 12, it will automatically show up the following Mon. w/o any re-scheduling by you.

    Check out the demos, they are very informative. Best wishes in finding the right plan for you.



    When you’re scheduling, only click on one day per week as your day(s) of choice. Then add your divisions by chapter. For example, if you’re wanting to read one chapter of Stuart Little per week, you could schedule it on Mondays. Once you finish each chapter, click on “Finished”. It won’t be back in your Daily Plan until the following Monday, until you’re finished with the entire book.

    If you schedule Stuart Little and decide you want to read Charlotte’s Web as soon as you’re finished w/ Stuart Little, then you click the “Start After” option in the Scheduler. And then click on Stuart Little. Charlotte’s Web will automatically come up in your daily plan as soon as you complete the last chapter of Stuart Little. And then you continue just like you did with Stuart Little. (I don’t know how old your children are. I’m using those books as an example because we’re reading Stuart Little right now Wink)

    As far as “complete as own pace”, I believe that’s what the “Worked On” feature is for. You don’t have to finish an assignment everyday. I hardly ever click on “Finished” daily. 

    The Scheduler does allow you to schedule specific assignments/chapters for specific days, just not weeks. If you want to schedule one resource after another or use one resource with another, you just specify “Start After” or “Use With” on the Scheduler.

    Make sense?


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