Vendors that sell read aloud book sets?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Living Books Vendors that sell read aloud book sets?

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  • I would like to have a nice stack of read alouds instead of the hunt-and-find system I have been using. I have been looking at Sonlight cores and Winter Promise, but I don’t want to marry myself to a full curriculum and it is hard to find some of their books at the library. Is there a place that sells book lots of awesome read alouds? We have been using the library, but have stopped several as they were to hard to understand, over their heads,etc. Is there a one stop shop somewhere?

    I am trying to go for family entertainment that is not twaddle. We don’t have TV and we do all our read alouds after supper and devotions.


    I’m not sure of your budget, but you may try Lamplighter Publishers. Their books are WONDERFUL for reading aloud and character-building. I joined the Nickleby book club and we get several books a month at a discounted rate. What ages are your children? I believe there is a booklist on this site somewhere isn’t there, Sonya?


    Perhaps also you could click on the forum conversation about our favorite links. I see several publishers mentioned that might interest you…Lamplighter’s and YWAM’s Hero Biographies just to start.

    Sonya Shafer

    We do have a list of good read-alouds on our Literature section of the SCM Curriculum Guide. About anything up through Grade 8 on the list can be read to the whole family pretty easily. I believe most of those books are available through Amazon.

    You can also do a search on the CM Bookfinder for Leisure Reading and enter your kids’ grade range.

    Ok, I just had one of those “duhh…” moments. 🙂 I guess I’m off to leisure reading on the bookfinder. I fell so silly as it was staring me in the face. And… dh loves Lamplighter so maybe we’ll add a few of those. Thank you!

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