I’m excited to use this with the kids finally. It is a great idea! I’ve printed it out and supplimented it with a few things (like coloring pages of state flags, birds, flowers on the states we will be driving through) and some “fun pages” in the back too. It will be an 8 hour drive, at best. Thanks Sonya for having it on your website for us to use. 🙂
That is so neat! I have missed this before! We are going to Arizona on vacation next week. Driving to Boston first, then flying. I will set up two of these for the boys to use during the trip. What a great way to incorporate geography and nature study (plus other things) into our trip! Wonderful. I’ll have to adapt it a bit since we will be flying, but this will still work out wonderfully for the whole vacation.
It is great Sonya!! Thank you again for coming up with the idea and putting it on the site for us all to use . I think I will also add in some coloring pages of animals/plants that we will see while in AZ. My boys do not really enjoy free drawing yet for nature study (I keep encouraging it, but so far no go! LOL ).