Using SOTW w/ Genesis-Deut & AE?


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  • Okay…another question? Guess what? I NEED to simplify desperately. I bought Sonlight and realized that the schedule itself was overwhelming. With seven children and a baby (7 months) who is still up several times a night, I need to simplify, which is hard for me!

    One question? My son loves the SOTW book, I love the SCM guides as I really want to use my Bible and History to include everyone and I have tried to figure out how to do that with Sonlight, MOH etc..and I just need simple, SCM is simple and uses all the books I want to use. Can SOTW be “easily” incorporated w/ the SCM guide or am I, once again, trying to complicate this?

    One of these days I will learn. I see “simple” and think..this can’t be “enough” so I get “lots” and can’t get it done! I need simple!!! I am still learning the CM way of doing things and I just need things to be uncomplicated.

    Thank you in advance!!


    dd14, dd13, ds11, dd7, dd4, ds3 and my precious baby boy 7 months (he has decided he likes having me all to himself so we need to be up every few hours still..ha) He does go right back to sleep and I am thouroughly enjoying him but am wiped out..

    Sonya Shafer

    I haven’t had any experience with SOTW ancient history, so I’m afraid I can’t give specifics. But it seems like if your son is enjoying it, he could just read it at his own pace and narrate what he is learning as he goes. You might look through the contents and find a stopping point that would coordinate with how far you plan to go this year. I don’t think you need to try to control which chapters correspond directly to where you are in Genesis-Deut & AE. It will be much SIMPLER ( 😉 ) to just let him go with his interests within a boundary you have set.

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