Using organizer for History?

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  • Misty

    Ok.. so I didn’t like the way I input books last year for history.  And I was wondering for those who use the organizer how you go about entering the extra books.  Not the actual handbook that’s the easy part Wink, but all the extra books you read.  I really don’t want them to pop up every day, but I want them to be on the organizer in one way or another.  Any suggestions? 


    Oh, and I mean like the ones you read only once a week.  Not like a extra little book we can pop out in a day those I can just put in the notes.  Just wanted to clarify a bit.


    You can choose which day you want the books to come up; they don’t have to be scheduled everyday. Since you’ve been using the Organizer, I’m assuming you probably already know that. You can just pick one day, say Wednesday, for those extra books. If you don’t get to them on Wednesday, it’s no big deal. If you get to it on Friday, you can click at the bottom of the Daily Plan “show assignments not originally scheduled for today”. That will bring up all your scheduled resources, and you can click Worked On or Finished for that particular extra book. Although it was scheduled for Wednesday, if you click Worked On or Finished on Friday or Tuesday or whenever, it will record that in your Report.

    Does that answer your question at all?

    Rachel White

    In addition to what Lindsay said, if you have all the books for history at the beginning of the year, you can go ahead and input them all at the same time and then they will only arrive on the Daily Plan when you’re ready. This is assuming you’ve already done your yearly, monthly, weekly and daily planning first to know what you’re going to use (using Sonya’s 5-point plan). For example: while your in the entering resources, scheduling dept. and after you’ve entered in the first book (bk. A) you’re going to use and scheduled it’s days, you take your next one (Bk. B) and put in the info., method of study, subject, days, but instead of putting a start date, you hop down to “start/use after” and  your other books with scroll when you click the arrow; then click on the book you want this one (bk. B) to start after (bk A); then procede with your divisions. It won’t show up on the Daily plan, just the scheduler and when you’ve finished book A completely (finish resource), then Book B will automatically show up in your daily plan; Book C will follow Book B and so-on-and-so-forth with any others you do the same thing with.

    Hope that makes sense,




    THanks I did it and think your idea’s were both very helpful.  Misty

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