Using non-chapter books

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  • Karen

    I have a question about when updating our completed work for a resource that is not divided into Chapters but is just listed by pages, such as Columbus by D’Aulaire. When I schedule it shows that its pages 4-56. But on one day we read 16 pages. However, on the daily scheduler I have to input a date per page. Is there a way to not have to do that and input 16 pages at once for one date? Especially if I am doing this for three children, it would take me a long time to have to enter page by page for the same date. I am trying to log this resource that we did last August. On one day we read 16 pages.Please advise.


    I would schedule the resource without any divisions or list it as p. 4-20, p. 21-37, etc. If you choose no divisions, just put as your study method “Read 16 pages/sitting” and/or click worked on until finished. If you want specific pages with specific dates, then modify the resource to your personal divisions.

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