Using Language Well vs. Your Questions Answered: Narration

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  • caedmyn

    I’m trying to decide which of these to purchase–I need some hand-holding in the narration department, more than what’s in the Q&A series on narration. I’m not sure I want to use the grammar part of ULW, and I think my DD may be kind of in between the books next year anyway. She’ll only get through about lesson 100 in Spelling Wisdom 1 this year, but doesn’t need any more coverage of the capitalization etc rules covered in ULW 1. But does the narration book do as much hand-holding (in terms of specifically what to look for) for narration as it looks like the ULW books do?

    Sonya Shafer

    Your Questions Answered: Narration has three sample rubrics included: one for beginning writers, one for progressing writers, and one for experienced writers. Those will help you evaluate your student’s written narrations.

    Using Language Well teacher books have similar rubrics, but they are provided in step-by-step increments, adding only one or two points at a time, and are spread out over the whole series. Each rubric is given as a student version (worded for the student and without any evaluation points section) and a teacher version (worded for the teacher with places to record evaluation points and watch for progress or trouble areas).

    I would say that if you need help with the narration process (as in, how to do narration in different situations), Your Questions Answered: Narration would be your best resource. If you need help with the implementation (as in, reminders to do it and tips) and evaluation of narrations, Using Language Well teacher books would be the best resource of the two.


    I think I primarily need help with evaluation of narrations. Would you recommend book 1 or book 2 then? She’s been doing one written narration (of a one-page tale) a week this year. I think she does ok with these, WHEN she will actually write what’s in her head and not spend a bunch of time figuring out how to write it so she has to write the least amount possible. Right now I am having more trouble evaluating her oral narrations with longer/more difficult material such as Story of the World 4 and Child’s Geography of the World.

    If book 2 sounds like a better fit, could we skip the rest of Spelling Wisdom 1 and start with SW 2 next year to go along with that?

    Sonya Shafer

    In Book 1, the written narration reminders and rubrics don’t start until halfway through (around lesson 70), since it is recommended that the first half be done in third grade. So I would probably lean toward Book 2 since your DD is already doing one written narration per week.

    I would recommend you download the sample of the teacher book for Book 2. You’ll see a sample of the reminders/tips and the first rubric (both student and teacher versions) along with the explanation page of how it is intended to be used. That information might give you a good feel for whether Book 2 would be a good fit.

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