Hello all, My will be 4th grader (age 9) completed English for the Thoughtful Child 1 & 2 last year, but is on lesson 40 of Spelling Wisdom.
Not sure if we should just run with Book 1 and start with our corresponding SW lesson somewhere in the middle or do Book 2 as I think he has a decent grasp on the topics covered except I can’t remember if we covered pre-fixes and suffixes… I think I am leaning toward Book 1 as it could be good reinforcement of what he learned last year and might streamline the Grammar and Spelling…
If I use Book 1 as above and would like to possibly get ‘caught up’ to finish Book 1 and SW 1 this year, would scheduling it 3 times a week vs. twice seem feasible for accomplishing that or would that be overkill?
Other question, what if they have to spend more time on the spelling, would this hold them back in ULW?
Thanks in advance!