I would like to use Spelling Wisdom and Using Language Well for next year for my 4th and 6th graders. We provide annual assessments to our local county to prove progress with homeschooling. Has anyone used these programs and had their children score at grade level on an assessment (we use the California Achievement Test)? This is our 2nd year homeschooling and have used a couple different traditional programs so they do have some grammar background. I just purchased SCM History/Geography/Bible as well as several enrichment products and would really like a change of pace next year. Thanks in advance for any insight.
We use SW and ULW as well as do yearly CAT (California Achievement Test) and we have had no problems with testing. We have to submit the composite score so even if struggle in one area, for example my daughter just took time to get spelling so not a surprise to be a bit lower in certain sections, but there were other areas that she did well so it averages it out to a solid over all score.
I was a struggling speller growing up (and homeschooled) and I always did well with testing for the same reason, average score is a nice thing. The lower topics were never a surprise, sometimes some subjects are just tough 🙂