Using language well

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  • Ruralmama

    Can you use ULAW without spelling wisdom?

    Here is why I ask.

    I am thinking about writing and grammar options for my son for the next few years. He will be in 2nd grade next year. I am using All About Spelling already and he and I like it. We have done bits of Serels PLL and its OK. We are using an Abeka cursive book and like it well. I want to continue with AAS and abeka cursive. So could I use just use  using language well without the spelling portion?


    You can do ULW with out doing SW dictation, but need the SW book to do ULW.

    ULW often (almost all the lessons) references the SW passage, and the student needs the SW passage to complete the ULW lesson.


    I would not start ULW in 2nd grade. We wait until 3rd grade to start book 1. there is no rush for grammar in 2nd grade.


    I was not necessarily thinking of doing ULAW in 2nd. I am just thinking about where I am headed- short and long…and then very long term;) Thanks for the answer.

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