Using Lang. Well 4&5


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  • sweetmamajoy9

    I will be starting all of my kids in ULW and SW in the fall. I know there are 5 Spelling Wisdom books but I am only finding 3 books for ULW. Do books 4&5 not exist?  Are they being made?  Or do we not need ULW for the upper grades?


    Sonya Shafer

    Currently there are three ULW books; I am working on writing books 4 and 5. They will focus on sharpening older students’ composition skills. In my mind, book 5 will be optional, mainly for students who have a bent toward working with words and would enjoy digging deeper.

    We do not have a release date yet, because I’m also working on at least seven other projects too. 🙂


    Thank you for clearing that up😉


    I was just coming on here to ask this same question to plan ahead- thank you so much for all of your hard work!

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