If I choose a resource from within the books listed in the bookfinder, how do I schedule certain pages to read? I see how to do this if I choose my own resource, but not with the other books. Also, how do I access the note option for days other than today? Can I enter notes for a given resource?
If you want to use a book in a different way than it’s entered in the Bookfinder, go ahead and add it as a personal resource with the divisions the way you want them to be.
Currently, you can add a note only to today’s assignment; however, we are working on a feature that will allow you to add notes to any assignment.
Currently, you can add a note only to today’s assignment; however, we are working on a feature that will allow you to add notes to any assignment.
Has this ever been added to the system from 2 years ago? I was just thinking about this last night and wondering how to add notes to assignments in the future.
Here is what I was thinking: I am trying to plan out our lesson plans as much as possible this summer since I work full-time and it would be nice not to have to do much daily planning when we are “in school” ini addition to the nightly read-alouds, narrations, and discussions. This is the first year that I have created my own course completely from scratch – middle school physics. I have my books/resources and most of them are entered, at least partially, into my resource list. I am now going to be adding “labs” to their assignments for each Friday that relate to the week’s topics.
I have a book with all of our labs in it. I was going to just enter Chapters for my divisions and list the titles of each chapter in the division titles (there are only 5.) Then I thought that while we were working on, say, Mechanics, I would have them only mark “Worked on” until we finished all of our Mechanics, and then mark it complete. But then I don’t have a place to assign the specific lab by name and/or page number. I thought that adding the lab name in the notes section would allow me to customize each week’s assignments, but I don’t see a way to get to the notes field for the future. And I don’t want to wait until Thursday each week to fill that lab in – I want to get them into the plans now.
So, I guess what I am saying is that unless you can recommend a better way, I will have to change my resource a bit:
Divisions will be the labs by name instead of chapter names
Instead of entering the names of every lab in each division, I would only enter the names of the labs that we are planning to use and in the order that we plan to use them.
Schedule the resource (book with list of only the labs we will use) for every Friday.
Anyone have a better idea how to do this? I also would love a 2-level division so that I could keep track of which chapter a certain group of labs came from, but I don’t see that this is doable either.
It sounds like the way you have the labs book outlined above would work best, Cindy. Adding notes to future assignments is not available yet. Would it work to note the chapter as part of your Division title; for example, “Mechanics Lab: lab name, p. 00”?
Thanks, Sonya. What I decided to do was change the number to reflect that chapter, so lab #5 of Chapter 1 (they are numbered within each chapter) will have the number 1-5 and the title will be the lab name as in the table of contents.
Another question for you. How do I schedule them to do 2 of the labs on the same day? Some labs are very short “gee whiz” kinds of things that I still want them to do but they could easily accomplish 2 or 3 in one day.
If you don’t want to remember to tell them when you get to that point, probably the easiest thing would be to combine those two in a single Division title. You could do something like “Chapter 1: Lab 1, Cause an Explosion, and Lab 2, Clean It Up” for those assignments.
Shoot! Somehow, I feel like that “tarnishes” the idea of regular divisions of a book having to do that, but I guess I should let go of my “ideal” thinking with books like lab books and such. It’s not the same as a literature book that we just read chapter-by-chapter straight through!
Thanks for the idea! I am starting to see how to make the Organizer work for ME, including how to Customize the Study Methods as well!
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