Using an Iphone in homeschooling?

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  • Cindie2dds

    Oh, great to know, Doug!  Thanks.  I’ll give it a whirl.

    mjemom ~ sorry.  AT&T is the only one that works out here on our farm, so we had to go with them.  The iPhone was a bonus.  Wink


    mjemom- we are in the same boat living in Wyoming.  Ironically, when we move to Tanzania we will get an iPhone.  Strange, I know.


    Testing. Posting from my iPhone.

    Thanks, Doug!



    My hubby is a techno nerd. He is currently developing an iPhone app for his business. Actually, he just submitted it to Apple for approval. That’s the only reason I had the idea in the first place.

    What I had in mind would be custom SCM page, that is iPhone friendly. Even better would be an Organizer app! While your website is amazing, it is sometimes difficult, depending on where we’re at and how cell phone signals are, to upload your website to my Safari internet on my iPhone.

    Perfect example: last Wednesday evening, I was talking with a friend of mine at church who is considering a CM education for her boys. I told her about your website, and she loved the idea of the Organizer so much that she wanted to see it right there. I went to Safari, typed in the site, and it took over five minutes for the whole thing to load. By the time it did load, it took even longer for my Organizer to open up. When it finally did open, it didn’t look like I’m used to my Organizer looking. It was like it was in html format or something. It would’ve been so great to be able to tell her that I had a CM Organizer app right there on my phone and to have shown her right there. I understand that, depending on file sizes and such, it can take a while for any website to load, even with the best of signals. An app would’ve saved me all the loading time.

    I don’t know all the tech terms for it. My dh could probably explain it better. Wink

    Anyway, Doug, that’s what I had in mind. 

    ~Lindsey D.


    Ugh, I am stuck with Sprint for another 2 yrs. But, I do have an iPod Touch. Since I have WiFi at home it works just like an iPhone. Also, my husband has a MiFi for work so I can really use my Touch just like an iPhone.

    I would love to see a CM App. That would be awesome!! Also, I would love to hear what apps others are using for school. I love the iBird and Stargazer. Will have to download those.


    Just a side note. It is rumored that the iPhone is going to be available on another network soon. Their contract with AT&T is almost up. It will not be Sprint though because they use different SIM cards.

    Doug Smith

    @LindseyD, Try on your iPhone and let us know what you think. Smile (You can also use to save typing.)

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