Upper level science for a struggling learner

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  • pinkchopsticks

    I have a 6th grade dd with dyslexia and poor memory problems.  Reading and writing is a challenge for her, though she loves hands on experiments and science in general.  We are currently doing the Apologia swimming creatures book.  She loves the lapbook that we are making, but struggles to remember the information in the text.

    When I look ahead to next year, I don’t think she is ready for Apologia General science.  What have you used for your struggling learners in the upper levels?



    My son has memory issues too. The BIGGEST help for him is continuous review with flashcards. I know that sounds boring, but have your daughter make a card for anything you want her to remember. Review these every week. Organize them by chapter. She can even record herself reviewing the flashcards for fun. 🙂

    Apologia General Science is a lot! I know some moms spread it out over 2 years. But with any science curriculum, flashcards would be great for building vocabulary.

    The lapbooks are good for reviewing too. Maybe look through the pages once a month or so.


    Can you keep using the elementary books?  I’ve heard of families using this through 8th grade…we may do that as well.


    Thanks for the suggestions Simple Home. 🙂 We use flash cards for vocab and sightwords right now.   Holly…yes…I am thinking of continuing to use the Apologia K-6th books.  I really think they are very meaty as far as content goes.  Just wondering what other options are out there…especially once we get to the high school level.


    First, I’d like to second the flash card suggestion. They have worked for some of our kids.

    Second, I have a question about the lapbooks. Are they pre-made for the kids? In other words, are the pictures predetermined and every child will have the same illustration to color? Or, do they illustrate what they ate learning in a pictorial type “narration?”. There may be a difference in how much is retained if the child draws the illustration versus coloring a black line picture.

    Not sure, but this article may bs helpful.


    If the books are helpful beyond their intended age/grade level, by all means, continue using them. Use them as a foundation on which to build.



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