Upload my Picture

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  • Scoathy

    I went to my profile to upload a picture, but don’t see an edit button near the space and the edit button only take me to information, no upload picutre…help 🙂

    Doug Smith

    Just go over to gravatar.com and sign up for a free account. Your avatar will then show up here and on other forums and blogs that also use the Gravatar service. Gravatars are tied to your e-mail address so be sure to register the one you used to register here on the forum. Sometimes Gravatars take a while to show up here, but you can use the Gravatar test page to make sure yours is working.

    Doug Smith

    Just go over to gravatar.com and sign up for a free account. Your avatar will then show up here and on other forums and blogs that also use the Gravatar service. Gravatars are tied to your e-mail address so be sure to register the one you used to register here on the forum. Sometimes Gravatars take a while to show up here, but you can use the Gravatar test page to make sure yours is working.

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