After all the praying, crying, and pouring my heart out I gave up completely. I surrendered it all to the Lord and submitted to DH. I finally had a peace. DH was set on sending DD to Christian school since we were going to have to pay a full semester’s worth of tuition to withdraw her. However, someone asked if she had learned anything last year in Kindy, and that was really bugging him. How could we pay even that much more money for her not to learn much? So, even though it hurts to pay so much money I feel so free!!!!! I’m thrilled to teach my DD this year! I still need to go fill out the paperwork to withdraw and get registered with an “umbrella” school, but unless DH totally changes his mind I believe it’s safe to say that I get to homeschool. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! I truly believe HE has given me this desire and is now giving me the desire of my heart that HE put within me.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement. This is a great group, and I’m so glad I discovered this forum.
Yay! It’s so true too how the Lord waits sometimes until we have totally surrendered our desires to Him to really start working. So many times have I experienced that….
Congrats! Sorry you had to lose the money already spent, but at least you won’t be paying more for a bad education, but get to give a good one instead!
Keep praying! If God can change your hubby’s heart about this, he can restore the money you have paid. Perhaps it won’t be a refund (or perhaps it will!), but throughout this homeschooling year, I’m confident the Lord will bless you with things (an offer of books you would otherwise have to buy, a gift here or there) that will restore what you feel you are losing.