Unusual Picture Book Favorites for Toddler/Preschooler?

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  • MamaSnow

    My youngest dd is going to turn 2 in a few weeks. I am trying to get a list of gift ideas together for the grandparents and I always like to include a few book suggestions. However….because she is the youngest we have already built quite a library of picture books I’m a little stumped on coming up with ideas for lovely, classic picture books that we don’t have already. (You can see a list of our favorites here http://snowfallacademy.blogspot.com/p/favorite-read-alouds.html ). Many of the books on the SCM Early Years list, AO year 0 list, etc we have already. So….does anyone have any ideas for picture book “gems” that you don’t typically see on those lists? She is definetely beyond the board book stage – her favorites right now include the Eloise Wilkin storybook, the Frances books, and the Flicka, Ricka, Dicka books. I would prefer books that she will be able to enjoy now rather than building up a library for later (we move too much to stockpile books we can’t use right away). Any ideas?




    Hi Jen,

    I have a recently turned 2-year old daughter who is a bookworm, too! 🙂 Here a couple of books that didn’t make your list that your daughter may enjoy:

    So Many Bunnies – Rick Walton

    Rain – Peter Spier

    Who Put the Pepper in the Pot? – Joanna Cole

    Play with Me and Just Me – Marie Hall Ets

    Farm Tales (A Little Golden Book Treasury)

    The Monster at the End of Ths Book – Jon Stone

    Thankful Together  – Holly Davis

    I Will Rejoice – Karma Wilson

    First Delights – Tasha Tudor

    Thundercake – Patricia Polacco



    I didn’t see The Little Engine that Could (Watty Piper) and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Bill Martin and John Archambault) on your list.


    My sons have really enjoyed:

    Milk and Cookies – Frank Asch

    May We Sleep Here Tonight? – Tan Koide

    We’re Going On a Bear Hunt – Michael Rosen

    Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy books

    LOVE the Little Golden Treasury books – there are 4 or 5 of them and they have tons of books like Tawny Scrawny Elephant and Pokey Little Puppy

    Year at Maple Hill Farm – Alice Provensen (also Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm) 

    and as weird as it sounds the animal books by Nic Bishop (Frogs, Butterflies, etc)

    Treasure House

    Here’s a few more:

    The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant – very funny

    Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney – bringing beauty into the world

    Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran – inspires make-believe

    When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant – family affirming

    When it was time to return Silly Sally by Audrey Wood to the library, my daugher (3 years old at the time) cried.  Needless to say, we soon purchased our own copy.  All my children love that book.


    My little ones that are are in love with Gossie and her friends. (Gossie is a gosling). Here is a search I did for Gossie on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gossie

    They are very sweet books!


    James Herriot Treasury or titles available individually.


    Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle; there is a board book available now, I don’t know if the story is cut down so it fits in board book form or not, we have the regular book. It’s wonderful especially for boys (trucks) but my daughter liked it as well. About a rude dump truck and the little blue truck who helps him, along with assorted farm animals.

    A Vistor For Bear by Bonny Becker might take some growing into because some of the words are longer. We liked this one best, there are now more bear and mouse books, but I think this is the best one.

    My First Little House series adapted from Laura’s books, illustrated by Renee Graef.

    My daughter’s favorite Jan Brett books are Fritz and the Beautiful Horses, Annie and the Wild Animals, and The Hat.

    Sonya recommended this alphabet picture book to me, and my little ones love it! In fact, I just ordered another one for my niece this morning.



    I know these aren’t classics but my kids loved “Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus” and “The Puddle” Jan Brett books were a favorite too.


    “Bear Snores On” and all the others in the series by Karma Wilson

    “Something from Nothing” by Phoebe Gilman



    I didn’t look at your list but we love “Stand Back Said the Elephant, I’m Going to Sneeze”.

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