Unmotivated/Disinterested Teens

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  • my3boys

    Do any of you experience this from time to time with your teen(s)??

    My oldest is about to drive me nuts! Now, to be fair, he isn’t like this all the time, but when he is….I want to go ballistic on him.

    It makes me crazy that he is just not interested in science experiments, basically feels they are a waste of time. He would prefer just reading about them, watching youtube videos, etc. He feels he gets the same experience/info as he would if he did the experiment. Out of obedience he will do them, but seems fairly disinterested (to be fair, he’s had moments of true interest, then he’s done). During picture study today, he just acts like the picture, as nice as it is, and he will admit that it is, just doesn’t do anything for him. (I’m using the SCM studies and their suggested discussion questions.) I think he did better when I had him really memorize the painting and narrate, he seemed more interested. I know there are other ideas in the handbook and probably need to go back to those, at least for him. It’s the asking of the questions and the blank response that drives me nutso. If I don’t ask, then I won’t get the blank stare, and won’t get my feelings hurt.

    Overall, this is a good kid I’m describing. I’m trying hard to understand the changes going on as he’s in his teen years, but man!

    I’m trying hard to “Give a soft answer, to turn away wrath (in myself)” because I don’t allows see it as disobedience. We have discussed, he has apologized for his moods, but still.

    I know he’s teetering on childhood/in-between-hood/adulthood, so I’m trying to be patient…but I need prayer.

    I guess I just needed to vent.



    I think you’re making a mountain of a molehill. Go ahead and relax!

    Think about your own personality. Do you like to do science experiements? Does social studies thrill you beyond measure? Is civics your favorite thing? Can you speak multiple languages? Is grammar as good as chocolate?

    Not everybody likes all things all the time. Personally, the closest thing I do to science experiments is baking. That’s the only thing I do that requires measuring, mixing, and applying heat all together.

    What does it matter if he’d just rather read about it and watch a video? He’s still learning the concepts, even if he’s not doing it. If he’s not going to work at Johnson & Johnson for the rest of his life, why does it matter anyway? Tongue out



    Okay, that is funny. Thanks for putting this in perspective for me.

    I still expect us to do a good job, but I do get it that we all don’t like everything all the time. And, I desperately want our relationship to come first, not the curriculum.

    Thanks. I really needed that!

    I can see your sweet heart toward your son. He is very blessed to have a mom that puts relationship first.

    My son is now a teen and I experience this with him too. He’s a great kid, but there is just something about boys and this age! One thing that has helped is letting dad check in every night for him to report to. I have a simple sheet that I make comments on (good comments and the “needs attention” comments). THIS is for my husband to look at only, not my son. If I have a “needs attention” remark, my dh will handle it, and my son will work on it. Boring or not, school (especially with boys) has to be done at these older ages without a mom being the motivator. Doing hard things is something they really need to learn.

    I look forward to reading more seasoned moms replies on this one! 🙂

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