Unique/Odd Quirk (?) I just discovered in my daughter!

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  • Threekidsmom

    I’ve just noticed this really odd (to me) habit, trait, quirk (?) in my 7 y/o daughter. Every time we draw, for nature study, art etc, she draws the object backwards. For example, today we were copying a drawing of a squirrel facing right. She drew it facing left. Same with a leaf-it was angled toward the left, she drew it angled toward the right. Is that not the weirdest thing? She’s always had a really different way of coming at things, and during conversations, you feel like you’re talking in circles. This morning, we were talking about the Bible story of the coin in the fish’s mouth. After we were done, I asked her where Jesus told Peter he would find the coin. She said, “In the water.” I said, No, in the fish. She responds with a confused, “You mean the fish wasn’t in the water?” You see what I mean? Not sure what to make of it!


    How is her reading/writing? Does she have problems reversing letters or words?

    I have very little knowledge of learning disability issues, so I am sure someone can chime in whether or not this is something to worry about.

    Think of it this way: geniuses are usually ‘outside the box’ thinkers that most people just don’t understand! Maybe she just has a unique perspective on things that the rest of us aren’t seeing!


    She reads on level…she gets her bs and ds mixed up sometimes, but other than that, she doesn’t seem to have issues. Perplexing, isn’t it?


    Is she left handed? That sounds like something I would have done


    Maybe she is seeing it the same, bit choosing to draw it from the other angle as a personal challenge. She sounds very perceptive to me.


    She is right-handed, but she does use her left hand occasionally. I’ll have to watch more closely to see which one she favors when she is drawing!


    Your daughter sounds fascinating! Remember Leonardo daVinci drew things backwards also and he was a genius!


    It does sound like she is an out-of-the-box thinker.  If it isn’t causing problems in schoolwork, (ie reading problems etc – and you said it isn’t) – then I wouldn’t worry about it.


    Very interesting.


    I too would be curious if this were my child. If you hold your right hand up for her to draw, so that your palm is facing her, and your thumb is to her right, would she draw it as a left hand with the palm forward, and the thumb to the left, or would she draw the back side of a hand? Left or right? All that to determine if she is drawing a mirror image or able to draw a reverse side that is unseen.



    Butterflylake-I’m not sure, but now I have a great experiment! Thanks for the idea!!! I asked her about why she draws the way she does-I wanted to know if she’s drawing it the way she sees it, or if she just wants to something different etc, but she just looked at me like I was crazy and said, “I don’t know.” Lol. I’lltry to remember to check back in after I try the hand thing…

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