Understanding Writing

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  • erin.kate

    I’m curious if anyone here has any experience, good or not-so-good, with Understanding Writing?

    We will be continuing with PLL and ILL (instead of Queen LL as we compared it to Serl), along with SCM’s suggestions for grammar/composition down the road, but someone mentioned this curriculum to me. She is not by any stretch a CM educator, but she does have high expectations for her children.

    Thoughts? Thank you!


    This is by Susan Bradrick correct? I have heard great things about this as well and was planning on checking it out for our family. Looking forward to what others have to say!



    Thanks, Kimberly. Yes, it’s by Susan Bradrick. I’ve read only positive reviews, maybe one or two that were not as favorable, but those issues were not something that would bother me. I would love to hear from this trusty board on true opinions … I know it weaves grammar into the program, and we won’t give up PLL/ILL/JAG/AG, so I wonder if that all will just be too much, or if UW is gentle enough to sustain SCM’s English/grammar suggestions alongside. 🙂


    We had a discussion about this awhile back, after which I purchased Understanding Writing.  We haven’t used it yet.  I’m hoping to implement when we begin again in August.  I’ve been looking through it, but don’t have any “rubber-meets-the-road” experience yet.  So far this is what I like:

    –She emphasizes the need for Godly communication

    –She emphasizes that children need to have obedient, cheerful attitudes if they are going to learn

    –the program can be done with a wide age range

    — it’s economical because it covers K-12 and I like having it all in one place rather than having a different manual for each age.  That equals craziness  for a large family in my opinion

    –it begins as gentle, interactive and fun

    –I would definitely consider it CM — short lessons, reserving formal grammar instruction until about middle school age, emphasis on habit-training…

    — levels 7 and 8 (not necessarily related to grade levels 7 and 8) are reserved for formal grammar study.  I’ve only looked over the first levels so far, but she does introduce nouns and verbs but only as a means of finding synonyms for such to make the child’s writing more interesting and precise. 

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