Unconditional Movie in theaters now – recommended

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    Several friends have recommended this movie to me which we plan to see this weekend. It is a faith based movie along the lines of fireproof or Courageous. Each of 3 friends said it is a very good movie. If we want more good movies, we need to go see them, right? I hadn’t even heard of this one and thought maybe y’all hadn’t either.

    Here is the trailer – http://m.youtube.com/?reload=3&rdm=maag5bsk#/watch?v=TsEEUgyPmaI

    Thanks for sharing Christie! Looks very good.

    Here is another movie coming out. It is getting a lot of criticism but it looks great to me. It’s called Won’t Back Down.



    I just watched the trailer for Unconditional on their website last night. It brought me to tears just watching that little tidbit. Hubby and I are going next weekend. Can’t wait! The website has info on all the producers and the writers and their purpose. One of the producers is the man, Joe, of whom the movie was based on. Here’s the website: http://unconditionalthemovie.com/


    Christie THANKS for sharing!  I probably never would have heard of this if it weren’t for your post.  It’s not close to us yet, but I’m going to keep watching for it… and referred it to friends that see lots of movies!


    Thanks for sharing, Christie! Even if DH and I don’t make it to the theatre, this’ll be a good one to look for, when the DVD is released.   


    I have heard of both of these movies from friends posting on Facebook.  DH and I were going to go see “Unconditional” this weekend, but he was feeling poorly, so we are going to try to see it this week.  I have heard it is VERY good!

    A church friend of mine was encouraging people to see “Won’t Back Down” also.  We don’t see movies often, so I’m not sure if we will get to see both of these while showing in the theaters.  I still haven’t seen 2016, and it is only showing in one theater in our county now.


    Christie (and others who have seen Unconditional), I for one would appreciate it if you could let me know if it would be appropriate (or interesting) for children who are 12 or older.

    I took my kids to see October Baby several months back, and I was a little hesitant about it, but it turned out to be good for them. Although, that movie was a bit of a tear-jerker in spots for them, and my oldest (14) told me at the time I should “never take us to see a sad movie like that again!” (She has since recommended it to friends….)


    We didn’t make it this weekend as planned. Hubby and dd11 left today for a big trip and we were prepping. I’ll post a follow up when I make it!


    DH and I went to see it tonight.  It is an excellent movie!  It has some violence, so whether or not you should take your older children will really depend on how sensitive they are to shooting, fighting, and a little gore.  It is not over the top, but it does deal with some prison violence and such as well as flashbacks of the murder of one of the main character’s husband.  It is definitely a tear jerker!  However, it is also uplifting.  After seeing the trailer I was expecting the movie to be heavier than it actually was.


    Went and saw it last week! It was REALLY good! Highly recommend it!


    Saw it tonight with 7 girlfriends. Excellent movie. Highly room dead. My dd11 would find it interesting for sure, but I think it is a bit too intense. Maybe in a year or two.

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