Does Uncle Josh include the labeled and detailed map of the region as well as the blank map? Or will I have to go searching for the labeled map online somewhere? Looking for simplicity.
I use the Uncle Josh maps, but I use an atlas for the kids to refer to or I copy & fill in a blank for them to refer to. We have a few different atlases & all are easy to use.
I also have Knowledgequest’s historical outline maps. These are partially labeled. These are great,too. You can see a comparison of the two products here –
I’m also looking for an outline map CD-Rom to serve us through the years. I despise buying more than absolutely necessary. What do you think about the new sets by Homeschool in the Woods? Seems like a alot of variety.
Those look nice & I like the labeled ones, but I prefer the clean line style of the other options, personally. I think it makes it easier to visualize the borders, at least it does for us.
I am admittedly a bibliophile and have more books than necessary for any one topic. The paperback one I first mentioned would suffice for map drill, I think.
I clarify; I despise buying things like this type of thing than necessary; that way I can spend more on actual books!
Are you talking about the clean lines of the Knowledge Quest maps v/s the more rugged/jagged type of HitW?
I have several atlases, too and we use them all because they show didfferent things. It took us going through four of them just find Puget Sound writtten in. I do have an awesome resource; my dad gave me his old globe from the 50’s. It shows the make-up of the World’s Countries during the time of the USSR! Very COOL!
Yes, I prefer the clean lines of both Uncle Josh’s Outline Maps and Knowledge Quest Maps to the more rugged/jagged look of the Olde World Maps from HitW.
We’ve just finally started getting more serious about geography. Once a week I let them fill in the blank map, using the answer key, until they’re ready to tackle it without the key. :)Gina
Yes the CD-ROM has labeled maps. It has labeled maps of all the countries as well as labeled maps of individual states but no labled map of all the states together.
I don’t know if this would work for you but after a huge search we got these maps and love them. I got mine from Montessori Outlet. They are large (but smaller than a standard poster – where’s a ruler when you need one) and on heavy duty posterboard. I purchased a labeled map and an unlabeled map ($2.95 each) as well as the labels (.95).
This works well, especially for Africa. Any blank maps I printed out were frustrating – how was my 7-yr-old going to write Mauritania in such a tiny space, let alone 47 countries. We use it pretty much like Sonya’s method for map drill with the exception that my son is placing labels on the countries. It is heavy-duty enough that I didn’t need to laminate it.
Yes, I just popped the Uncle Josh cd-rom in and it DOES have labeled maps that I never knew were there! They are not with the blank maps, but under a different heading. The outline maps are under “World Maps” and the labeled ones are under “Continents”.
This makes this an even better resource than I originally thought.
Also, for my dd9, she will put a number in a small country and then have a Key that shows what each country is with those loooong names – just another idea.
Richele – I love the Montessori site! Thanks for sharing it. All of their geography stuff looks great. As to their maps, are the labels a one time thing or are they reusable? Are the maps accurate? The sample online shows Yugoslavia which is now of course, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo.