? UK/Europe subs for US History Mod 6

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  • Ruth

    I’m considering switching from SOW to SCM History (It ssems some people find SOW4 which we are due to start is better left for older children and SCM Mod 6 is a little more gentle and less focussed on atrocities).  My only concern is the Mod 6 emphasis on American History part –  since we’re in the UK and British i feel I ought to have more of a lean towards UK/Eurpean History, (though not totally and personally I’d love to improve my knowledge of US history)

    Does anyone have any good suggestions for appropriate substitutions?



    What are your children’s ages?  My ds13 has requested to study British history this year.  I am still working on the “plan” but have his booklist if it would help.




    Thank you so much. Grade 4, Grade 2 and preschool.

    But I’d love to have your booklist anyway for furture years, if you get a moment to post it.

    Mum In Zion

    Hi Ruth, Have you checked out http://www.materamabilis.org  They have UK suggestions/alternatives for History, English, Literature etc.

    I think for the ages of your kids, the recommended book is Our Island Story by H.E.Marshall.  They schedule it 2 times per week, so it would be very easy to substitute this for the American History days in the SCM Mod 6.

    I have done this with Australian History in the past and it worked out well.

    Blessings, Michelle


    Thank you Michelle

    I hadn’t checked it out, and I’ll do that now.Grateful for the suggestions

    Our Island Story will probably be our  spine for British history.

    I’d be interested to know if anyone has any suggestions for Additional Assigned Reading?  So far I have Carrie’s War (but that’s a little old for my 2nd grader) and also The Silver Sword (Poland).  And although I love the look of the US History Additional Assigned Reading I feel I must be missing some equally good British ones, and it would be nice to have more of a balance.




    This is a long list.  Sadly, I have multiple lists, electronic and written.  I am posting the list I have electronically.  I will try to add the written ones later on.  My son is 13 and has requested a British history year, with specific interests (he is an aspiring Marine).  He has been very involved with selecting the topics to cover so many of these choices reflect his specific interests.  Most of these books will be geared towards older students, though there are some childrens’ books, since I like to assign books from varying reading levels.  I have not personally reviewed each and every one of these.  Some of these titles I deem adult level, some I have noted as such and some I have not.  I am focusing on preparing our Term 1 and don’t expect to be able to get into serious planning/review for modern times for a couple of months.  This is just my working list. =) 

    I will note that we LOVE Dicken’s A Child’s History of England.  We are treating that as a free read prior to the school year starting as my son has chosen to use the Churchill volumes as his main spine books.  Also, I have a documentary list that I will try to post later.




    Possible Spines:

    *A Child’s History of England by Charles Dickens (covers approx 50 B.C. to 1689) (37 chapters, 282 pages)
    *History of the English Speaking Peoples, Vol. 1 by Winston Churchill (covers
    (30 chapters, 496 pages) (beginnings to 1485)
    *History of the English Speaking Peoples, Vol. 2 by Winston Churchill (30 chapters, 496 pages) (1485 to 1688)
    *History of the English Speaking People, Vol 3 (1688 to 1815)
    *History of the English Speaking People, Vol. 4 (1816 to 1903)
    *Synge “The Growth of the British Empire” (1837 to after WWII)
    *James Stobaugh’s British History (High school)
    *History of Britain and Ireland (DK Publishing –Reference book)

    Possible Supplemental and/or Living Books (roughly in order):

    King Arthur and His Knights by Pyle
    Robin Hood Adventure by Pyle
    The Once and Future King by White
    Eagle of the Ninth, The Silver Branch, The Lantern Bearers, Frontier Wolf by Rosemary Sutcliff (Romans in Britain)
    The Roman Fort (Roman World) by Peter Connolly
    Across a Dark and Wild Sea by Don Brown (Ireland 500’s)
    The Shining Company by Rosemary Sutcliff (8th century)
    Alfred the Great by Mary Fitt (84 pages)
    Beorn the Proud by M. Pollard (Ireland/Vikings)
    Sword Song by Rosemary Sutcliff (Vikings)
    The Black Fox of Lorne by Marguerite de Angeli (Vikings into England)
    Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish (children’s version of Lion of Ireland) (10th cent)
    The Hidden Treasure of Glaston by Jewett (Henry II/1171‘ish)(17 chapters; 323 pgs)
    Men of Iron by Howard Pyle (Henry IV) ( 32 chapters, 220 pages)
    Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott (Norman Conquest)
    The Shield Ring by Rosemary Sutcliff (Norman v. England 11th century)
    If All the Swords in England: A Story of Thomas Becket by B. Willard
    In Freedom’s Cause by G.A. Henty (Robert Bruce)
    The Scottish Chiefs (14th century)
    The Tudor Theater (The History Detective Investigates) by A. Childs
    The Tudor Home (The History Detective Investigates) by A. Childs
    The Daughter of Time, Josephine Tey (Richard III) ( 17 chapters, 206 pages)
    The White Company by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (100 Years War)
    The Black Arrow by R.L. Stevenson (War of Roses) (33 chapters; 240 pages)
    The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day by Scott O’Dell (William Tyndale) (1500’s)
    Sir Walter Ralegh and the Quest for El Dorado by Marc Aronson (Elizabethan
    Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal by Robert Reilly (Elizabethan, 1580’s+)
    Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley
    Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne by David Starkey (ADULT)
    Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare by Diane Stanley
    Shakespeare and The Globe by Aliki
    The Shakespeare Stealer by Blackwood and sequels (supplemental book only)
    A Coffin for King Charles by Wedgewood (19 chapters, 307 pages)
    A Messenger for Parliament by E. Haugaard (1643 Charles I/Cromwell)
    Cromwell’s Boy (seq to above) by E. Haggard (1643 Charles I/Cromwell)
    A Journey of the Plague Year by Defoe (London, 1665)
    A Brief History of the Age of Steam: From the First Engine to the Boats and Railways by Thomas Crump (1710)
    True to the Old Flag by G.A. Henty (American Revolution from British perspective)
    The Reb and the Redcoat by Constance Savery (Rev. War)
    Reporting the Revolutionary War: Before It Was History, It Was News by Todd Andrlik
    Victorian Schools (The History Detective Investigates) by Richard Woods
    Queen Victoria (Landmark book)

    Heart and Soul: The Story of Florence Nightingale by G. Gorrell (born in 1820)

    The World Crisis by Churchill, Vol. I thru 5
    The Zimmermann Telegram (WWI – German Code broken) by Barbara W. Tuchman
    War Game: Village Green to No-Man’s-Land by M. Foreman (WWI soccer game Christmas Day)
    In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by Linda Granfield (WWI)
    Britain at War: Rationing (The History Detective Investigates) by M. Parsons
    The Little Ships: The Heroic Rescue at Dunkirk in World War II by Louise Borden
    After the War Was Over by Michael Foreman (life in London after WWII – children’s bk)
    War Boy: A War Time Childhood by M. Foreman (life in Suffolk during WWII)
    Churchill’s The Second World War series (6 books)
    The Secret Life of Bletchley Park: The WWII Codebreaking Centre and the Men and Women Who Worked There by Sinclair McKay
    Enigma: The Battle for the Code by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore
    Lifting the Veil: British Society in Egypt, 1768-1956 by Anthony Sattin
    The Indian Mutiny by J. Spilsbury (adult, pre-read, poss high school)
    An Englishwoman in India: Harriet Tytler (possible, high school)
    Zulu: The Heroism and Tragedy of.. By D. Saul (498 ish) OR (adult, pre-read)
    Brave Men’s Blood: Zulu by Ian Knight (shorter read 186’ish) (Zulu) (adult, pre-read)
    Journey to Jo’burg (1881-1902) Apartheid
    Khartoum: The Ultimate Imperial Adventure by Michael Asher (adult, pre-read, poss high school)
    A Long Walk to the Water (possible living – set in more mod times)(Khartoum/Sudan)
    The River of Lost Footsteps: A Personal History of Burma (adult, pre-read, poss high school)
    The Glass Palace (ADULT- PRE-READ) (Burma)

    Possible Biographies/Persons to Study:

    Rare Treasure: Mary Anning and Her Remarkable Discoveries (1799-1847) (Fossil collector)
    West with the Night (story of Beryl Markham)
    Andrew Carnegie: Steel King and Friend to Libraries (Historical American Biographies) (Scottish)
    Robert Boyle, Founder of Modern Chemistry by Sootin/OR Sower series (Ire.1627-1691)
    Sir Issac Newton
    Biography/account of/about Ernest Shackleton (Endurance 1914)
    Winston Churchill
    Margaret Thatcher
    Robert Hooke (Scientist/Cells)
    Alexander Graham Bell
    Michael Faraday (Electricity/Magnetism)
    Edward Jenner (Smallpox vaccine)
    Alexander Fleming (Penicillin)
    A.A. Milne
    Charles Babbage (Computer)
    John Baird (TV)

    Other/Not Categorized fiction set in/about Britain:

    The Brendan Voyage by Tim Severin (Irish monk/6th century)
    Castle by David MaCaulay (DVD version also)
    Little Lord Fauntleroy by F. Burnett
    Horatio Hornblower series (DVD, too)
    The Dark Frigate by C. Hawes (17th cent England, fictional, sea story)
    The Three Musketeers by Dumas (also Twenty Years After, sequel)
    Lorna Doone by Richard Blackmore (Victorian, high school)

    Mum In Zion

    Ruth, you could also browse through the selections on http://www.Heritage-History.com  

    There are books in the Young Readers Collection and the British Empire Collection that would be great to supplement any spine that you use.  Many of the books can be found for free online, but this is a convenient way to see them all together.

    There really is so much choice.  Have fun 🙂


    We were recommended the plan written for an alternative Sonlight British History. You can find a link to it here:


    We used Our Island Story as the spine, although the younger one (5 at the time) prefered Kings and Things, also by HE Marshall. The programme is fast-paced to do in a year, but you can easily adjust it to suit. I’m planning on re-starting once we hit Romans again, as that’s where it ties in best, and then wrok alongside to Modern Times.


    Thank you ladies, for those wonderful suggestions.


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