Typing instructor for kids

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  • Rebekahy

    How do you know when your kids are done with this?  Mine did it for a year and have finished the program – I increased the require WPM and had them go back through it again and they finished again.  Do you have your kids keep going with increased speeds – what’s a good goal for a “normal” person – as opposed to someone who wants to be a secretary or a speed demon typer!


    Great question and I don’t have an answer! We use it each summer at a greater difficulty level as a brush up. We’ll keep that up until my kids are typing their writing assignments quickly and easily for a school year.


    I’d like to know this as well.


    I remember the numbers 40 wpm and 80 wpm from somewhere!  Can it be googled??

    Alicia Hart

    When I interviewed for a job a LONG time ago in college, at a mail order place, they said that I needed to type 35 WPM.

    I barely made it!


    I consider myself a proficient touch typist and I type between 60-65 wpm. That’s my ultimate goal, I think.


    OK, just wanted to update – I did a little online search that said that 60 wpm was the most common specificied requirement for Administrative job advertisements.

    I also entered two of the alternate plans into the CMO – hope those are useful for people not using the suggested plan (search for typing instructor and I entered a plan for the home row (going to use that for my five year old) and the skill building plan (going to use that for the two that have completed the plan for their age level.)

    I think our family is going to set a goal of 45 wpm to be able to be done with typing.  Then if anyone wants to go into a field where a faster speed is required they’ll be able to get there pretty quickly with some attention, but I don’t want typing to be a subject that we work on for years and years as a stand alone subject – I’m guessing they will continue to increase in speed the more they are required to type for their composition lessons.

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