Do any of you ever have your student type his/her dictation instead of writing it? I’m still looking for ways to give ds9.5 more practice at the keyboard, and was thinking that having him type his dictation exercises might be a good way to do that.
We don’t do this with dictation, but we will get our dd to type selections from various books, like SW, her book of mottoes, history books, and scripture. Whatever she likes, really. We just open up a blank writer page and let her type something up nice into it. Then she saves it and opens it up again the next day to keep entering things into it. Just because, she has done lessons for three years now and knows good form, hand placement, all the keys, etc. she just does not have the speed with the accuracy. This way she gets practice without being “stuck” on the same level forever just because she doesn’t have the speed. I think the speed comes naturally with use. But I don’t want her to hate doing it becaus it is so tedious!
When our kids needed to write something we often gave them the choice of typing it. Some of them really liked that option and some liked the feeling of decision making in being given choice. Be sure to turn off the spell checker for dictation, though.
I have them type dictation. I actually leave the spell check on, but not the auto-correct. CM wanted any mispelt words to be hidden with a piece of paper (I can’t remember what she used), so I don’t mind the squiggly line letting them know it is wrong. I watch them type though, so I know when they either make a mistake or mistype.
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