Sorry for all the questions today…trying to get ready for new year 🙂
A fellow ballet mom told me about a free typing program called “DanceMat”. Has anyone used this? I’m loving the “free” part. I’m hesitant though, because I want it to be worthwhile and teach the girls to actually type…
I can’t find SCM’s specific typing suggestion, but found something similar on Amazon for $20…does this price sound right?
I just recently started an email account for my girls (who are only 7yrs and 6yrs.) They only write to me, hubby, nana, grandma, etc. So, as they were hunting and pecking, I decided to try and find something to help them type…and several moms recommended this site to me. I love it! I think it teaches them the proper finger placement and that is all I want at this point for my girls. And it is fun for them…so I’m excited for them to learn to type at a young age! 🙂
Hey guys, thank you for the suggestion of Dance Mat. My 8yr ds just sat down and did two stages of it and now thinks he knows how to type…he actually did very well. We have the Typer Island program but it seems to be “too much” stuff!! But this was easy, and you didn’t have to have a tutorial to use it…just sit down and do it.
I have to admit when you said that it was Dance Mat and that you used it with your dd…I was thinking that it was Ballet to see a Disco Goat I was a little surprised…but even though it is silly it isn’t “too much” fluff. Thanks again.
With my 7th grader, I’ll probably have to buy MB fairly soon, but atleast DanceMat will get us going and give us time where we can wait a while to purchase yet another thing…HSing can get sooo expensive, and I’m only on my 2nd year and can see a lot of things just get “shelved” when you’re not careful.
We also just discovered Dance Mat the other day. My son currently uses Mavis Beacon and he is stuck and a section and because he is in school now, they just keep having him do the same lesson over and over and he is extremely frustrated!
That’s what I LOVE about homeschooling, you can take the time for the child.
Anyway, we got out Dance Mat and that’s what I’ll use for him for a while next year when I get him BACK!