First, I want to say THANK YOU for all of the help I have received with using the CM organizer. I think I am beginning to get the hang of things. 🙂 I am still trying to figure out how we can adapt the CM organizer to fit in with our day of life. And I had two additional questions:
1) Tracking Improptu Field Trips, Books, and Activities: Several times a week we will often take an improptu field trip. For example, a friend might call us and invite us to the zoo in the afternoon. What is going to be the easiest and fastest way to track these types of activities?
We also follow a lot of “rabbit trails” and I would like to be able to track this work. For example, after the zoo, my little boy was very interested in snowy owls. SO on our way home from the zoo, we swung by the library and read some non-fictiion books about snowy owls aloud as a family. I would like to show a record of this in our report for the day. I am thinking that in order to track these books, I would have to go back to the scheduler, schedule in these books assigned to this day, and then mark them as finished. Is this the best/fastest/easiest way of tracking this type of learning?
2) Looking at the week or month ahead:
I see that you can look at the current day’s and the next day’s schedule. However, it would be nice to be able to see what the week ahead is going to look like at a glance. (Perhaps on the weekend I would like to be able to quickly look at our workload and see if I need to gather any supplies or prep anything for our schedule.) Or perhaps I want to see how long a certain book is going to take us to finish at our current rate. For example, I want to be finished with a certain book before Valentine’s day. It would be nice to see if I have it scheduled often enough for this to happen without having to work it out on paper. Is there any way to do this?
OK…I just saw that there is a demo to check out the week at a glance feature. I am so sorry…I must not have had enough coffee in me to properly think until now.
For things like library books etc, I just enter them into Leisure Reading when my son says he has read it, and then schedule it and go mark it finished…. that is about the quickest way… that is something it would be nice if it could be done easier….
For field trips – I have a resource called “field trip” with a fair number of divisions – and then I schedule it on a day like Saturday. When we do one, I go in the organizer, say show resources not scheduled for today, find it, add a note to what it was, then mark it done. If I run out of field trip divisions, I just schedule it again.
There really isn’t a week or month at a glance like you are hoping for…. basically because of the flexibility of the organizer, it is hard for them to determine what would be being used (are you going to finishe the last 3 chapters of book A the next 3 times it is scheduled… so that you would be starting Book B (which is scheduled to start after Book A is done)? Or will it take you 10 more scheduled times to do the 3 chapters, etc….
As said above with no week at a glance and month at a glance. I make a schedule at the beginning of the year using Sonya’s 5-step model which gives me each term at a glance.
As for impromptu books and/or field trips, I either put it in the ‘daily notes’ at the top, or in the case of library books, they have a paper booklist that we keep up with and I have a homeschool notebook where I keep everything. So I keep that list in the notebook, so that by the end of the year, their library books that I didn’t get into the Org., are at least on a separate piece of paper for each child.
Am so grateful for my CM organizer!
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