Two Questions: Timelines and Early History

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  • dripdripsplat

    I’ve been a lurker here for a couple of years now… We had originally started homeschooling in the Charlotte Mason manner, but got lead astray, and are finally back in our right minds 😛

    My first question is, how do you guys go about laying a timeline? Do you use premade timelines (like Sonlight’s Book of Time) or do you make your own timeline stretching across your house? I’ve just been trying to relate all the history back on itself, but I’ve come to realize that we really do need something visual that we can look at, and instantly see, “Oh, that happened during the same time that the children of Israel were in the desert!” So, please, any ideas. And I’m a visual person, so if you have pictures, or links to blogs with pictures, that would be great!

    Second question. We’re just moving into SCM 1, and I’m hoping for some book suggestions. I see lots of books on Egypt and surrounding countries, but there must have been history happening in other parts of the world too, right? 🙂 I tried to do a search in our library, as well as through the bookfinder for early (non-egyptian) history, and was getting nowhere.

    Thanks everyone!



    The Veritas Press timeline cards are excellent!  They are a good visual whether hung on the wall, or kept in a basket/container for use during history studies. My kids make a timeline notebook by journaling (or just copying) about each card and/or illustrating each event. Descriptions found here:

    We also find that the Usborne Timelines of World History fits the description of what you are looking for in a “what’s happening in other places” kind of research situation. I’d try to find a library bound copy if possible. It’s well worth the price difference.  Here’s a picture of the cover.

    I’d check Homeschool Classifieds first for both of these. 

    For a living books way to discover what was going on around the world in a given period, you’ll enjoy Genevieve Foster titles. We love her books!




    We do a Book of Centuries in a binder and either color/cut/paste figures we find online or do stick men type drawings.


    We have done the Book of Centuries (SCM has a great looking one). It is like a timeline, but more customizable and compact. If you have ever had those timelines stretching across your hall, you can appreciate that it is all in a book. Also, since the Book of Centuries is all in one binder, you can keep ALL of history in one place. We file narrations, reports, artwork, coloring pages, timeline figures, lists of dates and important events, etc…

    If you really like the timelines, we just ordered the Beautiful Feet timelines to go along with our Book of Centuries. I love the artwork, the fact that it is accordian folded to save space, and the price! The first one is $10, but each additional child can get one for half that – $5!

    Sorry if I sound like an advertisement, but I was REALLY excited when we got these. They are a very useful resource.

    By the way, if you don’t yet have the SCM All Day Seminar, I would highly recommend buying or borrowing it! It has really helped me to get back on the CM track after drifting away for a few years. Such a huge relief to both me and the kids to find a system that actually works :).


    We use a Book of Centuries as well.  Actually all 3 of my dc have their own, and I have one cause I don’t want to share.

    My boys like to do their own thing, draw, write, or both and would not be able to do what they want in one book.  You can do a family one if you want or a wall timeline.  We don’t use wall timelines because we no space for them.



    We use history through the ages time Line sold on This is the same company that does the time line for sonlight, but if you buy the trio you get a really nice binder and the cd has lots more on it. It also has an option to print it for wall size or binder size. Of course you can add anything that you want. I just like the fact that I don’t always have to go searching the Internet when I want to add timeline figures. We started my dd8’s timeline this year and we will be able to use it until she graduates. It will be fun to watch it fill over the years and eventually I’m sure she will want to start personalizing it more.

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