I am considering starting SCM with my 10th grader. Based on the history he did last year we would need to start the Matthew Guide. However, that gives me 4 guides to do in 3 yrs. Is there a way to combine Matthew and Middle Ages so then we can take his last 2 yrs for Early Modern and Modern?
I would count up the total number of lessons for the 4 guides, and then divide by the number of years. Then dovod by number of weeks, this will give you an idea of how many lessons per week to do. My guess is I would only be an extra lesson or two each week. (There are make up day scheduled, you don’t need to count those)
You may have just saved my sanity. I was trying to combine Matt and M. Ages into 1 yr THIS year and then do the last 2 guides at normal pace for our last 2 years. I never thought to think of the 4 guides as one ongoing book and divide it that way. Even if I do all 180 lessons in each guide, that is just 240 per year as opposed to trying to fit in 2 guides this year which is 360 lessons! 60 extra lessons is better than 120 extra ones. It comes out to 6.7 lessons a week. So, yes, 2 more per week.