Hello all. I have a couple of prayer requests. The first is for my husband’s family. Dh’s mother passed away earlier this morning. We’ve spent the past 5 days at the nursing home with her in a rather surprising turn in her health. While everyone is thankful for her release from this valley of the shadow right now, both dh and I are concerned about dh’s dad for a variety of reasons as well as a granddaughter who was not able to be at her side during any of this time. Please, please keep them in your prayers as arrangements are set up and the full impact of our loss sets in.
I also have another request. This past year my little CM group has had a hard time. We were only able to meet two times during the entire school year do to weather and illnesses. There are some transitioning pains as well as I would like this group to move beyond hinging on me to something that will be an encouragement whether I can spearehead things or not. On top of this, the little core group of us that are dedicated to using CM’s philosophy in our teaching have a large opportunity at the moment to introduce our educational support group at large to CM’s methods. **I** have a bad attitude and have been fighting God on this every. single. step. of the way. Christy, bless her lovely heart, got to see just how stiff-necked I have been in this area when we happened to talk at the CMI conference earlier this month. Please pray that I would just step out in faith on this, following God’s leading, and that clear boundaries would guide and protect all who may wish to participate in our CM educator’s group as well as the “taste of CM” groups that we are attempting to set up.
Prayers for your family, your dh and his dad. This will be a big transition and everyone will need to ‘listen’ to each others needs.
Also, lifting you in your CM journey. Not easy when we don’t want to listen to the Lord, but if it’s His will He will make it happen! Think positively and stay focused.
Thank you, ladies. I found out that the granddaughter *did* indeed get to sit with her g’ma for a while one evening, so that is a blessing. Dh’s dad doesn’t want to eat, but isn’t refusing to do so when we make a plate for him. He hasn’t really grieved at all yet, but cried when he heard my oldest dd practicing The Old Rugged Cross with her aunt in preparation for the funeral on Tuesday. Please keep him and the whole family in your prayers.
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