Trying to figure out how to add a Math resource

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Trying to figure out how to add a Math resource

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  • teachermom

    I am trying to decide the best way to enter our Horizons math lessons. I know from past experience that the numbering will be off on everything since I am trying to use the organzier again now and we are already 40 lessons into our year…… (so if I started entering lessons where we are it would say Lesson 1-Complete lesson 42 or such)

    So I am trying to see if I can just have “Horizons Math 1” listed and only click on WORKED ON until the book is finished and then make notes of the lessons covered for the week……I can see my notes, but they are not showing up on the report. Do notes only show up on the report if the assignement is checked FINISHED? (I’m trying to type in the lessons that are finished in the notes section of a given week and have them show up on the report.)

    I’ve thought about using the Daily Journal to add in math lessons, but it seems as if you can only access the journal on the exact day that you are logged in, and I don’t necessarily want to depend on that in case I do not make it online on a day a lesson is actually completed. (I posted a question about this separately…..)

    Any thoughts on how to make the Organizer work for me in this situation? I’ve also thought about an option to enter all the lessons as divisions and just check off up to where we are now on some date prior to when I want to start printing the reports…..

    I really really really want to find a way to make this organizer work for me and am trying to understand how to tweak it within the capabilities it has now (I’ve watched the videos a couple of times even….LOL ). I subscribed in the past but then cancelled and am trying again after reading how a few others love it (and after not finding my groove in record keeping yet)…….

    Thank you for any insight and help.


    Sonya Shafer

    You’re right, the assignment notes show up only after the assignment is checked off as Finished. That way you don’t have duplicate notes in your records for every time something is Worked On.

    Seems like the easiest thing to do to keep things accurate would be to go ahead and put in all the lesson numbers starting with 1. Then when you are scheduling the math book on the Scheduler page, tell it that you want to Use Lessons 41-180 (or whatever the starting and ending lessons will be). If you want to, you can add a note to Lesson 41 with the dates that you finished Lessons 1-40, but that would eliminate have to check off those initial 40 lessons. Does that make sense?







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