Truthquest booklist anyone???

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Truthquest booklist anyone???

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  • Lesley Letson

    I was wondering if anyone had a booklist for Truthquest (greece specifically) they would be willing to share. I am planning my big order with RR and plan to order my TQ book from there but would like to be able to order some of the books to use with it at the same time and save on some shipping. I know there are so many of you much more organized than me when it comes to booklists, and I was hoping someone might be able to help me out Laughing please?


    Unfortunately, the book list in the guide is not shareable, via the TQ author’s request. But, you CAN see a sample at the TQ website that lists the optional spines scheduled throughout the guide. Many of the living books you would find on the SCM curriculum guide, Sonlight’s website, Veritas Press, and HOD are scheduled in the guide.


    Lesley Letson

    I had already looked at the sample and got the spine resources from that, I am by no means trying to violate any copyright issues, still planning to buy the guide, just trying to save on shipping by ordering everything together. But no worries now, a sweet friend is sending me hers – God blesses us unexpectedly more than we could ask or imagine! 

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