Truthquest and Younger Children…if you don't want to start with US History

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  • MamaSnow

    All the talk about the Truthquest history commentaries on the other thread has me intrigued. I looked at the samples and liked what I saw, and like that it incorporates the ‘worldview’ type of thinking about history as Robin pointed out. So…I’m thinking through how we might be able to make these work for us.

    But…the one big ‘turn off’ for me is that the volumes intended for younger children are ONLY focused on US history. Personally, I don’t want to do only US history in the younger years – I prefer to do it integrated with world history. And it looks like the commentaries that DO integrate world and US history would likely go too deep for younger children to really benefit from. So, I guess what I’m asking is has anyone tweaked the older level guides to make them work with younger children? Or is it worthwhile to read them just for my own benefit and just bring in that which I feel is appropriate for my kids? Or, would it be possible to use the younger American history guides alongside the SCM Modules 5 and 6 so that we are still getting the world history readings in there too, and not focusing only on America?

    I plan to start the SCM Modules when my oldest is in 3rd grade – still unsure if I will start with Module 1 or at Module 5. Am also thinking about modifying the modules some – condensing 1-3 into 2 years and then spreading 4-6 over 4 years. Will have a tagalog K/1st grader and preschooler that year also.

    Appreciate any thoughts that those of you who have used these might have!




    Yes, the older guides would likely be over the heads of your K-3rd graders.  If you start in 3rd w/module 1 it definately wouldn’t hurt and would give you some insight if you read the TQ commentary for yourself and maybe paraphrased for younger kids.  Or you could just wait until you repeat that time period later and just read it all together.

    If you start w/module 5, it would be very easy to incorporate TQ’s AHYS series.  You could just read the appropriate commentary alongside the SCM modules.  World history is referenced a bit (such as communism in Europe, Hitler, Stalin, the World Wars, etc.)

    HTH some:) Gina


    And Michelle includes books for all ages in the older guides so you would have plenty of book choices.


    My three youngest (10, 8 and 7) have tagged along with us through the ancient history guides and it has worked just fine.  There are book suggestions for younger children and I’m sure you can find many more on your own or use the sugestions from the SCM guides.  They have also greatly benefitted from using the lapbooks from A Journey Through Learning.  Those really tied the whole study together for us, especially the younger children.  


    I used the TQ Egypt & Greece guide with my young ones (6&7) this year and it was great.  On the book lists, she puts appropriate age levels next to each book.  I am one that like to integrate the SCM Module and TQ together.  We will be using the TQ Ancient Rome guide and SCM Module 3 this next year.  I’ve already gone through the books choices and there are plenty to chooose from for my 1st and 3rd grader. 


    Jen, world history is taught along side American History in the SCM modules… I believe is scheduled 2 days for world, 2 days for American, and 1 day geography.


    Thanks for the ideas ladies. I know SCM Modules 5 and 6 include both American and World history which was part of what drew me to them. I’m glad to know there is some reference to World History in the AHYS guides too. That sounds like it could work well for us, actually, to plug in the SCM World History selections from Mods 5 and 6 along with the AHYS.

    Thanks again, y’all.


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