trulyblessed26-how was your last minute Passover?

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  • Rachel White

    Just checking in to see how your time was with your family last night and what you were able to pull together. I wasn’t able to chime in till late afternoon; you can go back and read it if you haven’t already.

    Ours was wonderful.

    Still resting in this the First day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread!



    Ok, I feel like an idiot – it was last night?!  I’m such a retard!  My calendar says Passover is today, but I am betting because Jewish “timing” starts like sunset the day before unlike I am used to a day starting in the morning, that would make sense now!  Ugh!  Oh well, we are going to do it tonight.  I guess better late then never.. Embarassed  I am trying to find a good, simple charoset recipe, so if you have one you can share just let me know. 

    I did read through the Haggadah last night and just love it.  It makes several things more clear about why Jesus did certain things during the last supper.  It has opened a whole new world for me and I am more interested in learning about Jewish traditions and celebrations.  It is daunting though because it is so richly based in history that I feel you have to know alot to get it all right and not accidently do something disrespectful.  I was raised Catholic so similar to someone going into a mass with me and being so insecure because they don’t know when to sit, kneel, make the sign of the cross, recite things we memorize, etc.  What would you say is a good resource for overcoming that?  I remember this book being mentioned before I think in the Christmas holiday post a while back:  Would that be a good one or do you like something better?

    Thank you for checking in. I will have to let you know tomorrow how it goes…Tongue out


    Rachel White

    Yes, you’re correct that the “Passover”, was last evening, specifically at twilight, then the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 6-8) starts at actual sundown (the seder time obviously overlaps); the whole week is referred to as Passover culturally) Lev. 23). Tomorrow, is the Resurrection and another Yom Tov (good day, as in a good Festival day) from Lev. and the New Cov., the Feast of First Fruits, when one begins the counting of the Omer sheaf-Lev. 23:9-15 till Shavuot (Pentacost) Lev. 16-21 and Acts 2.

    Don’t worry, though. Usually, Jewish families and Messianic Jewish/gentile families have at least one more seder, usually tonight, but it can be a part of the rest of week, so don’t fret!

    Also, note in Lev. 23, repeatedly The L-rd refers to these particular observances as “My fixed Times” or My Appointed Times”, “The designated times of the L-rd”; they are not Jewish Holidays. These Times the L-rd gave to them, just as the Land of Israel is His and he gave it to them, so you can share as a being a wild shoot grafted into the cultivated Olive tree (Israel). However, there are beautiful Jewish customs and traditions that are in association with the L-rd’s Times.

    Looking forward to your good reports tomorrow! I’ll look at my book stash.




    I too, look forward to see if you have any book suggestions to share Rachel.  I also really enjoyed the Haggadah you shared, and would be interested in reading more about these traditions as well. Smile



    Hi there Rachel,

    We had a wonderful seder last night.  I still threw it together very fast so we didn’t have the big feast, just a few special things I was able to pick up, but my husband liked it alot and said we will definitely do it up next year.  My daughter loved doing the little parts that she could do too.  It was really nice.  Did you find any books you would like to recommend?  Thank you for checking in on us. 🙂


    Have ya’ll seen this?  We’re “doing” Passover on Easter since family will be here.  I know it’s not on the “right day” but I feel the significance will still resonate.  If you look at the bottom, there are 3 suggestions for Haggadahs as well. 



    Rachel White

    I’m sorry this has taken me so long to get back to this post. I don’t own the Biblical Holidays book, but am familiar with it. I did go and look at the samples and was very disappointed with some things. Plus, I am uncomfortable with some of the liberties taken in interpretation, but should say nothing else as I don’t actually own it and I don’t want to upset those who have it and use it. If you have any other questions, you can PM me.

    These resources I would recommend: 

    G-d’s Appointed Times by Barney Kasden 

    Enter His Gates to Your Jewish Roots by Susan Marcus 

    At, under the section with kids materials, there are pages for the different Holidays and customs (scroll down on the linked page).

     The Passover Connection: Messiah’s Last Seder DVD 

    My favorite haggadah: the Lederer’s Messianic Passover Haggadah 

    For general material:

    Our Father Abraham by Marvin Wilson 

    Restoration by D. Thomas Lancaster

    This catalog has so many wonderful resources.

    Be Blessed on your journey,


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