trouble with schedule for a 9 and 6 dd.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules trouble with schedule for a 9 and 6 dd.

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  • jill smith

    I am really struggling this year on making a schedule for our 9&6 year old dds. Not usre why but ive been reading anx listening to a lot of people and confused on now mucn a d wnat to teach them. Some say a six year old shoj, d be doing 1st grade work. When I. Ake out the scbedules and look at others on nerei feel I adiquit. Can someone please help me figure this out.Here is what I have for my 9 yr dd.

    math gamma

    copy work for girls (queens)

    spelling (queens)


    vocabulary (queens)

    Spelling wisdom

    art study

    Working on reading

    For my 6 year old



    Both listening in on History (Rome)

    I bought the Secrets to the outdoors I think

    considering Gods creation

    Hope this helps.


    Assuming you are doing a Bible time, only thing I would add is composer study. This can be as simple as playing a few songs from one composer once a week.

    I am with you on comparing and feeling inadequate. I try to remember that I am not called to be Charlotte Mason, but me, and I answer to God:)


    Have you looked at SCM’s curr. guide?  I have a 9 yr old boy in 4th gr from Jan – Dec and a 6 yr old boy starting 1st gr this month.  I think you have alot of language arts especially if you are using all of those in the same day.  Spelling Wisdom covers copywork and spelling so you are probably overdoing it to have her do Queens spelling and copywork also.  Deciding on whether to do first grade work for your 6 yr old depends on when her birthday is and ultimatley when you think she is ready.  My 9yr olds bday is Sept 28th and I strated him in 1st grade in Jan because that is when he was ready rather than following the school systems calendar.  

    Art study can be shared with your 6 yr old and is quite a delight to do anyway so everyone can enjoy that together, along with composer study as retrofam suggested.   We also do art for fun, geography, and a foreign language.  When your lessons are short, only 15 -20 minutes you can fit quite a feast into your day and still have free time for exploring independently.  I’ll be glad to answer any questions since our children are the same age but like retrofam said, you ultimatley answer to God and upon asking, He will guide you.  Blessings! 

    jill smith

    Krista, yes, I do include Bible but that is in with our History for modual 3. Composer study? Where do I get that? My dd birthday is in March and the 9 yr old dd is may. I will probably use Queens then. We willbe using geography and Spanish (Rosetta stone). Thanks fornthe advice. Do either of you have a written lesson plan or schedule?


    Composer study- Pick a composer, ex. Bach, borrow or buy a CD or a Vox Music Masters CD which includes story of composer.

    Another option is Color The Classics which has a CD, short bio, and coloring page broken down into lessons. There are several composers in each book.

    There is probably a better description on this website somewhere.

    I have schedules and weekly logs, but IDK how to post them here. They are pictures taken with my smartphone.

    My weekly log is in pencil because I love being able to change as needed.

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