Transitioning to self-education

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    My DD’s will be in “3rd” grade next year and are asking to begin some of their own reading. They are both strong readers with good oral narration. My question is how much and what subjects did you veterans begin with when moving your young ones to reading their own materials?

    It just makes me sad, because I love sharing ALL their books with them, but I know they need to start this some time… 😥

    My thinking was literature and/or nature study books. I’d like to keep history/geo/Bible as family time. Did you require a certain amount of pages or a certain amount of time? Are they too young even though they “want” to do this?

    Thanks for your input…Tonni

    My new third grader is reading Stories of Americans for Little Americans by Edward Eggleston and the 2nd and 3rd CLP Nature Readers. Oh, he also narrates out of his Beginning Bible too. 🙂 In addition to that he does read “fun” books out of our Sonlight stash. I don’t require too much narration form those.

    I try to pick books that have small, obvious sections. The nature readers and Eggleston met that criteria and are working out really well.

    We also read aloud in the evenings and they do narrations. Narrations are mostly oral, but I also allow drawings, especially if the lesson is fitting for it (like a lesson on the anatomy of a bee).

    I know how sad it is too, to let go of that together time. 🙂

    It does my heart good to see how they are learning individually though. With narration they make it their own and that is fun to see. Just make sure the child likes the book. Sonya recommended that in the All Day Seminar I am watching (again) and it really makes a big difference. 🙂


    Thanks so much. I’m working on the schedule for next year and I think I’ve found some books that meet that criteria on my shelves.

    But you know, I never thought about the Bible. How sad…for some reason, I just assumed they were too young to read that by themselves. But actually, I need to be instilling that habit now, even if it’s just a verse a day!

    Thank you very much for that suggestion.


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