I will have a kindergarten and 3rd grade next fall. 2019. My rising 3rd grader is very advanced according to PS with math, and LA. I know PS is very different from CM. I’m trying to figure out if Using language well would work well for her or be redundant. She has had grammar this year for 2nd year. I believe she learns with a spiral approach to language and math for PS. She is reading on a 4th-5th grade level. I have friends that canet me borrow the non consumables of Abeka so I am really torn. I really like the looks of spelling wisdom and using language well but not sure if it is enough for end of year exams as well. Please help me decide!! Likes and dislikes. Anyone ever had to transition to purely SCM from PS? At around 2-3rd grade level?? Thanks!!
I don’t think you can get any more different than Abeka and CM. Abeka will basically be school at home. Have you looked at the 5 Homeschooling styles to see which fits your desires best? https://simplycharlottemason.com/five-homeschooling-styles/
If you really want to do something CM, then having an advanced 3rd grader will make no difference. It’s enough. But the goal in CM is to teach the child, not teach for a test. So, end of year exams aren’t the goal. It’s teaching the child and keeping the love of learning. It’s lighting the fire of learning, not filling the bucket with answers. Hope that helps.
One more thing…..When I was in public school, I did great on end of year tests. I was the star child. One of the reasons I teach my kids with CM methods is I realized when I read about Charlotte’s approach is that it was what my mind craved while I was in school. I realized that even though I got straight A’s, some parts of my mind simply shut down. It didn’t show up on tests, but I knew there were blocks when I tried to learn certain things. As I’ve taught my kids with a more CM approach, I’ve watched those blocks open up in me. And when I tried a different approach with my kids, I saw them shut down. I’d rather keep the fire burning than fill a bucket with information!
Yes I’ve read all of the homeschooling styles. We definitely have a set hour or two for school, mostly mornings but afternoons if daddy wants to hunt in the mornings with them or if something else comes up. I like a schedule and routine. But as far CM I became drawn to this method when my daughter was 2-3 years old from a fellow homeschooling friend. I’ve probably looked at every PDF on the website. Which are amazing! I hoping I can do the narration correctly thru the science (outdoor secrets) and history (genesis-Deut). I’ve been emailing with Tami and she is trying to help find the right products for my daughter since she is advanced. She has learned thru a spiral approach for math and LA. And I know the math programs suggested are a mastery approach. So I’m in limbo. I could definitely do the math books from SCM for my son though and delightful reading. My son has been using Bob Books for his unofficial preschool at home. Anyways, as far as tests, I’m afraid if the CAT test I’ll give my daughter is more of a spiral approach then her scores will be low and the hubby will not actually see her progress!! I’ve read that some children get bored with the mastery approach. I guess I won’t know until I actually just choose and start! (Hypothetically that is) Hopefully all of this planning will pay off and I’ll actually be able to implement what I’ve researched for so long!!
I have a child who gets bored with mastery. He is thriving with Saxon Math(which is very NOT CM….but he loves it.) If you have a child who can’t do mastery, go ahead and use something else.
I wouldn’t really consider CM LA’s to be mastery or spiral. It’s more gentle and organic. And, because as a kid, I loved LA’s and did fine with a rigid program, it’s the hardest part of the CM method for me to trust. But I am recognizing that my children do better with CM LA’s than with the approach I enjoyed.
Yes it very scary to say ok I’m going to trust the method. But so many people have testified that I works and that’s why I would love to use these products because thy have put in the hard work of researching and making CM products!! I will look into Saxon but like I said I have been offered free Abeka third grade from two friends! 🤷♀️ I read a post how one blogger used Abeka but incorporated as many manipulatives as possible to help their child understand concepts. Lots to pray about. Would love to start SCM boo 2 but not sure if my child is to advanced. It does offer multiplication and division which she hasn’t learned yet and I think any of the oral work would be beneficial! Thank you for your thoughts!!
We have used SCM and CM methods from the beginning, not exclusively, but strongly CM in our house. My oldest is in 7th and we have taken the CAT test every year since 3rd grade and they always do quite well. Do not stress the tests, they are so broad because scope and sequence for ALL curriculum is different the tests are made to be pretty broad.
As for math we have used MUS since the beginning and we really like it. My oldest and youngest do well with math, but take a bit more time to master, and my middle child who just gets math does great with it too. Each just goes at their own pace, some fast some a little slower and it has not been a problem. I always remind them we all have different giftings.
Edit – what I like about MUS is that they can truly go at their own pace. If they show mastery after 1 or 2 days, move onto the next one lesson, if they need more practice do all the worksheets. We also never finish a book in a year, there are a lot of lessons, but I like that because then we continue into summer 2 or 3 days a week to keep math fresh in mind. When they finish they start the next book. For example, my youngest took a little longer to finish Alpha his first year so he finished Alpha mid way through second year. Just last week he fnished Beta and started Gamma this week, he will likely finish Gamma next Christmas and we will just start the next book at that point. I like that they are not grade level specific, we just keep moving through at the students pace. Slowing down and speeding up as needed. I also love the DVD it has been fantastic with pre algebra and levels below. I understand math but explain it is not my strong suit, so MUS video helps me stay consistent in methods and tips to help my kids.
So far from you tube videos I like what I see. I asked my daughter today if she likes that her teacher jumps from different skills to the next. Like going from addiction to subtraction then time and money then back to adding large numbers etc. she said not really. So then I think maybe the mastery approach would be fine too for her. She is very quick at everything like her daddy!! My kids have portable DVD players. I guess they could always watch a lesson on that if we were ever traveling. Thank you adding in about testing!! That is big relief! I love the idea of using manipulatives to teach and that they carry over from year to year! What things have you used for Language Arts?
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