Train up a Child, (Epi Kardia)High school

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    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has used any of these units or High School plans from Epi Kardia, Train up A Child?  I just began looking at them, as I will have THREE high schoolers next year and need something really simple, planned, and easy to follow!  One of my children is on a different rotation, unfortunately, so we can’t all be together, but two of them will be doing the same studies.  Even so, I still am looking for something simple for me to manage and I have health concerns. Would love feedback.  Also, if you have NOT used SCM for high school, what have you used?


    A Living History of Our World.  Some say it is a retelling,  but it is a spine with a small recommended book list. We use the journals too, which have a lot of notebooking.  Volumes 4 and 5 are for highschool on down. I am using Diana Waring for the other year that is not written yet.

    I tried SCM history,  but it was not a good fit for us. I like the format though.



    My dd14 will be using Epi Kardia’s American History I next year in 9th. I need easy and planned. I have the guide and am very impressed with the whole thing. It will be perfect for us for next year laying out narration assignments and rubrics for evaluation. We are opting to also use the Classes By Beth online class with it for more discussion opportunities.


    Beautiful feet has a new high school us and world coming out soon, too.


    I wanted to add that I think I may hodgepodge the year after all. We are opting not to do the EK online course with Classes by Beth bc we decided we want more freedom that it would allow.  The EK plans are great, but the books are all heavy. I like some of the BF books in their current plans and am eager to see their new plans. I also like the SCM module books. My plan is to make a book comparison chart this week and see what overlaps and what appeals.  Back to the drawing table.


    We have used Heart of Dakota for high school, and loved it. You could use one guide for everyone, possibly, adjusting the math as needed. Everything is planned, and it’s highly independent. Nothing is too heavy, although it does take all day. My son is average, and has done very well with HOD.

    The World Geography guide is awesome, and is written for ages 13-15, with extensions for older kids.


    Mrs. B, thanks for the suggestion, but HOD isn’t for us. I looked at it several years ago.  I really like the 3 I mentioned, but I always want to make it fit us just right it seems.  my perfectionistic tendencies run amok.

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