Trail Guide to Learning – Paths of Exploration

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  • greenebalts

    Has anyone used the Trail Guide to Learning series by Geography Matters?  It looks like there are 3 levels so far.


    Paths of Exploration

    Paths of Progress

    Paths of Settlement


    It’s supposed to be based on principles of Dr. Ruth Beechick and Charlotte Mason.  I would love to hear feedback pros and cons.  





    Hi Melissa,

    I got to check this out at a curriculum fair. I love the looks of it..and almost thought of doing it..but I love to plan my own stuff! But I will say that it does follow those philosophies. And bascically you just need to add math and Bible. It looks very complete as well as interesting.

    As a matter of fact, I have their catalog in front of me now! I choose to purcahse their timelines. They had a special at the curriculum fair. I also bought one of the Adventures of Munford books..Lewis and Clark.

    I think anyone who likes this philosophy who would like a curriculum layed out for them..this would be the one I would choose. As you know copywork, dictation, read-alouds, narration, writing, word study, geography, history, science are all included! Of course you would have to add picture study and music study.

    The only reason I would not get it is because I like to plan my own…other than that I really like the looks of it!

    HTH! 🙂


    Thanks 2flowerboys!  I too LOVE to plan and layout my own thing.  This is definitely one of the drawbacks, but I’m already scheming about how I could add various books in the mix.  Then wondering if it would be overkill, so should I just make up my own thing and be done?!?!?!   Though having something laid out is also appealing at this point, since we have a baby due mid June.  Decisions….decisions!  


    Does anyone else have experience with this curricula?




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