Have any of you seen this new American history curriculum called Trail Guide for Learning – Paths of Exploration? This is advertised as a Charlotte Mason resourse and I wondered what you thought of it. It looks very promising at first glance.
We used the Galloping the Globe curriculum by GeoMatters a few years ago and liked it alot. There were plenty of hands on activitiy suggestions and lots of books to read (we got most of them from our library); also, very flexible as far as what pace to cover the material. I’ve not had the Trail Guide one in my hands to compare it to Galloping the Globe, but if it’s laid out the same then I would say it is pretty CM friendly. As you said, at first glance it looks promising–(And I thought I was done planning for next year!! )
From what I can tell by the sample pages it is extremely structured and has lots of busywork which may work well for your family but it would absolutely bomb in mine! The worldview and integrated curriculum format look very similar to Exploring History by Ray Notgrass, again, not a good fit for our family but it may be for yours!
I have personally found the Trail Guide series products to sound very promising but loaded down with busywork! We tried to use Trail Guide to World Geography. It sound great and got positives reviews, but my children, who are becoming to a CM style of schooling, lost interest in it after the first week. It was too “schooly” and not enough “learny” for us.
February 5, 2014 at 6:59 pm
cherylramirez, Thanks for sharing that about the Trail Guide to World Geography! I had that down to buy for next year to assist in our geography studies because it looked really good. By too “schooly” do you mean busywork then? Why was it not enough learning for you all? Do you think it would work in a CM way if Material World and Hungry Planet were added to it and any busywork decreased? But if busywork was decreased, would there be any point to using it then? Does that make sense? I am wanting to have more of a CM geography approach but we can’t cover all of the Visits to…series for my high schooler. Thanks for any insight you can share. 🙂
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