TQ and SCM Handbooks…

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    I know some of you are combining TQ and SCM. Do any of you do it w/the SCM Handbooks? This is our first year using the Handbooks, and I’m loving everything planned for me (module one). I’d planned to squeeze modules 1-3 into two years in order to be able to do do 3 yrs. of AOR w/Truthquest. However, it’s feeling a bit scrunched to do this. I’d rather spend just 2 years on Amer. history down the road. Has anybody done this w/TQ? I’ve heard it’s challenging to condense AOR into 2 years, but would rather do that so both my kids could have 2 yrs. of Amer. and 2 yrs. of World history in h.s. (rather than my oldest having 3 yrs. Amer./1 yr. World and youngest 1 yr. Amer./3 yrs. World), since we combine. Thanks for any input…hope that was clear:) Blessings, Gina


    I plan to read the TQ when it corilates with the SCM module. This is my first year doing this so I can’t tell how it is going to go but I am excited to add the TQ. I am not very good at getting discussion going and therefore we just read what is scheduled in the SCM module. I really like the SCM modules for my guide. I also like the Godly discussion that TQ is offering. Sorry I can’t really answer your question because I am not trying to combine years together. I am also only reading the narratives of TQ and following SCM module for the rest.

    Hope you can find a good fit for your history year.



    Thanks, Kim! That sounds exactly how I planned it this year. We’re following the SCM handbook and I penciled in correlating TQ pages.  It was a breeze to plan….think I had history/geo./Bible planned for the year in like 30 min.:) 

    I’d love to keep doing that through Mid. Ages/Ren./Ref. I just know I’d like to add in some of the TQ selections for history/gov.’t in h.s. and not sure how to plan that since TQ takes 3 yrs. for Amer. and SCM takes two.  Right now I’m leaning towards just moving through the SCM modules as written w/TQ commentary as quickly as we can (without feeling rushed) and maybe we’ll end up w/more than 2 yrs. to do American….but I prefer to have it more planned out:) Thanks again! Blessings, Gina


    This is my first year with SCM an TQ. I am doing this with a high schooler who works indpendantly. She is the only one left homeschooling older ds is at the community college this year.

    Our goal is to do SCM module 1 and 2 this year. That might be a tall order sicne we are moving out of state in October. But thats the goal. I am following the SCM handbook except that we are doing 2 lessons a day instead of 1 and I penciled in the TQ commentary that matches that days bible reading. I also use the TQ guide to add in movies. So far, so good. I told dd that the TQ commentary was like the teachers lesson and she has to read those. We also do the thinkwrite exercises. The only book that she has complained about so far was Adam and His Kin. We did drop it. However we are used to a faster pace because we came from Sonlight. For the most part I think this year is going smoothly.


    Thanks, tfigueroa.  Maybe it will get easier to do this after Adam and His Kin. She’s almost done with it Two ch. a day seems like plenty. She hasn’t complained about the book,  but I just couldn’t see requiring her to read FOUR chapters a day!  She would complain about that:) She’s in 7th and my other child is 4th so doubling so far has seemed challenging. My plans was 2 SCM lessons on M-W and one lesson on R/F….but I’m having a hard time doubling up. Maybe it’s easier at the h.s. level….need to ponder and pray! Thanks for sharing. Anybody else in this boat? 🙂 Gina


    Just now seeing this discussion. Gina, weren’t you and I talking before on WTM about combining TQ and SCM? We are currently in the midst of our TX to AK move, so I am not starting our “official” new school year until October and am STILL trying to figure out how to combine AHYS 1 and the SCM modules. I thought I would like the structure the SCM module would provide, but now I’m not so sure. My kids are the, “PLEASE read more, Mommy!” type, so scheduling a particular number of chapters seems difficult. I keep picking up my TQ and SCM guides, flipping around in them, getting frustrated and putting them back down! I need to decide fairly soon how I am going to approach this. Maybe I should just go with TQ for now and pick up the SCM guide if I end up needing the extra help? I looked at the schedule posted at the Truthquesters site, as well and am still so flustered. I have considered several times throwing in the towel with TQ and going back to Sonlight, but then I remember all of my reasons for switching and know I have to make it work somehow. Ack! Totally rambling on your thread, but I know you’ve done TQ before, so I thought you may have some insight!


    Hi Corie,

    I think you were one of the many I’ve had this discussion with…it’s neverending, isn’t it:)  Yeah, SL didn’t work for us either. I much prefer the layout of the SCM handbook (this is our first year w/it).  I made my own schedule when doing AHYS I-III, while using a lot of SCM (and some AO/TQ books). I must say I love having the handbook this year for ancients. TQ doesn’t spend much time on Egypt, so it was a breeze to pencil in the TQ commentary pages in my SCM handbook. Now all I do is follow my handbook, easy peasy.

    If you do well going w/the flow, just following TQ might work well for you.  Especially if your kids always want more…that might be the best for your family…only you can tell:)  I had trouble because I got to the end of the year and was a long ways from finishing my TQ guide!!  Then felt crammed…3 years is already a long time to spend on AHYS. If I had it to do over again for AHYS, I think I would use the SCM handbook as a guide to have the planning done for me and just jot in TQ commentary pages I wanted to read at appropriate times. I’d probably focus on the major events, and not read every little bit of commentary.  But that’s just me….I got kind of tired of planning and didn’t do well winging it. I like that the SCM Handbooks aren’t super heavy so I can add other things if I want to.

    I think that works well for the younger years, but I’m still not sure about AOR and the h.s. level….heard AOR is very meaty and I know I’ll want to add extra books…so I’m not sure if 2 years will be enough. Unless somebody shares a brilliant idea, I’m leaning towards just trying to double up days as I can during ancients/MA/Ren./Ref. w/SCM handbooks and TQ commentary jotted in. Then hopefully I’ll have more than 2 years to do AOR. At that point, I’m not sure if I’ll use both or just follow TQ….I haven’t looked indepthly at both (SCM has changed Amer. history since we did it).

    I’m not sure if that helps….but I sympathize w/you:)  I’ve spent way too many hours trying to figure this out!!!  Blessings on your move, Gina

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