TQ and All Through the Ages

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  • eawerner

    If you use TQ, is All Through the Ages much use?  I have TQ Rome and there are tons more books in TQ than in the Rome section of ATTA but does that change as one goes through the modules? 


    Michelle’s knowledge of the books from each time period is extremely vast. I almost never use any other book list for history.


    Thank you Robin.  We’ve enjoyed all the TQ selections so far this year.  I haven’t had a reason to go digging for alternates.  Sounds like I won’t need to in the future either.  🙂 


    I have several books like All Through the Ages, etc, – are the books listed in TQ any easier to find at a local library? Mine has very few of the ones we need from any of those books, which is one reason I went to the Heritage History ebook collections.



    I live in WI and it’s rare that I can’t get a book through my library.  Sometimes the random titles by Christian publishers aren’t there, but for the most part it’s easy.  All the libraries in the state (public, university, schools, etc.) are on one system, I can request online, and all the books are free to get.  🙂  Plus the lady who takes care of inter-library loan at our local library is so nice.  She can find anything and can always get a renewal for me if it’s taking us longer to read a book than the three weeks alotted. 


    It must be nice to have that kind of flexibility. We don’t seem to have the same type of experiences here. ;}


    Yes, but it snows for 6 months of the year here. :S

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