At 6 and 7, our children still are not “masters” at playtime clean-up. I definitely don’t want to stand over my children the entire time they’re playing and keep count of how many toys are out, which ones are being played with, and which are being neglected. The children play for however long they are able to stay occupied, have fun, and not argue. As soon as I can see a play period wrapping up (or if an argument ensues at any time), I say, “Ok, time to clean up now!” in a cheerful, encouraging voice.
They are then expected to do a good job of picking up and putting away whatever was taken out. At that point, toys are confiscated if not put away properly.
Yesterday, dd6 put on 3 different dress-up dresses. Sometimes she will hang one up before putting on another; sometimes she won’t. As long as the mess is cleaned up when playtime is over, I’m ok with either option. Many times the children will get one set of toys out (like PlayMobile, for example), play with those a while, then get some stuffed animals out and play with those a while. Before long, they go back to the PlayMobile and combine the toys to play with them all together. That, to me, is their imaginations at work, so I would not want to hover over them and stifle that. Just my opinion…