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    2d=18 yrs, 14 months(who is VERY developmentally behind in ALL areas & and requires constant attention/ care)   2s= 11yrs, 10,yrs and one on the way, 3rd boy due in feb. 2010. this is my sixth yr homeschooling and i feel like a failure. we have had many crisises in the last three yrs. until then my sons were many grades above their ps school level. with life and all the doctors appts. w/ my youngest dd and the care she requires school lasts ALL day long 4pm or a little later and often not finishing all subjects. Subjects take to long to prepare/ plan for and then teach and then do, children are hating or on the edge of HATING school and have become edgy, irratable and dont work well or hard. I as well am getting tired or shall i say WAY past tired of the load and want to just give up! but i know thats not what God wants or really what i want. CM  originally  sounded like what i was looking for but being so OVERWHELMED already I am finding even reading the site and considering the change more than im seeming to be able to handle plus its taking some of my much too needed teaching time. It seems there is ALOT to finding and figuring out what books you should use for each subject and then the planning and what about the cost? is it more than other programs/books once all is purchased? Please someone Help I feeel i have nothing left I cry everyday and have constant headaches. homeschool is suppose to be wonderful not miserable. I keep praying for answers I hope CM or someone reading wil have them ! THANK YOU so much to anyone who answers. I’m like all other moms I just want to give my children the best. I want to spend time with them that they enjoy remembering, I want them to grow up and say “homeschool was AMAZING I couldnt and wouldnt do anything less for my children . I am sure glad mom took the time and put forth the effort to give me something more than public school.” I hope i didnt offend anyone with that last statement. thank you again 🙂


    SCM is meant to be simple and is very cost effective, especially if you can find many books at your local library, but I think if I were in your position, I would probably try a computer based program that didn’t require much in the way of planning or supervision.  Now, I’m sure that you’ll hear from other moms on here that have overcome nearly insurmountable issues and continued to plan out every subject, and they will give you fabulous tips on how to accomplish it all, but I would just encourage you that it’s ok to do whatever is easiest for you!  You’ve got a special little kiddo that sounds like she requries a lot of your time and another new baby on the way that’s going to need lots of love and attention – not that you need to neglect your other children, but it really is ok to get something like Switched on Schoolhouse so that your boys and oldest daughter can get through their schoolwork without you feeling like they are falling behind.  I’d love to say that I could still manage my CM schedule if I were in your situation, but I have a low tolerance for headaches and disruptive babies and I just think I’d be a grumpy mess if I tried to spend the time I do now supervising and planning under the circumstances you are facing.  I don’t want to discourage you from trying!  I KNOW there are women out there that CAN and DO make it happen, but I think secretly there are a lot of women like me that sympathize with your struggles and want to encourage you in your calling to homeschool, without making you feel like a failure if you can’t do it the “CM” way.  Lots of prayers for you!   Rebekah


    I have to agree with the previous poster.  CM may be an option you could look at next year or the year after.  Your children can see you are doing your best and will realize later how much you sacrificed on their behalf.  Another thing I will add is this:  do you know anyone close by who also homeschools?  Perhaps your children can spend a day or two a week in that home so they can fully concentrate on the task at hand.  Perhaps the oldst driver could take them back and forth.  I don’t know how practical that may be for you, but it just a thought.  I will pray for you in your struggles.


    I can totally empathize with your exhaustion! My circumstances are not the same as yours, but I am a 50 yr old mom with 4 kids – 6yo, 5yo, 19 months and 7 months – all adopted (still in the process with the 2 babies). I LOVE the CM philosopy and had high hopes to put together my own stuff using SCM, but I just don’t have the energy at this point. Have you looked into Heart of Dakota curriculum? It’s CM based and has everything laid out for you. I plan to use it until I’m past baby/toddlerhood and can plan my own. I really prefer not to use someone elses schedule, which is what drew me to SCM, but I have to be realistic and do what I can, when I can. I also agree with the previous posters – use whatever will get you through this time with as little effort on your part needed. God’s grace is sufficient!! He will be sure your children get what they need (and you too!!).

    I pray for God’s strength, blessing and peace to overflow your life!!!


    I have no personal advice to give as I only has two ds and am only beginning our hs CM journey.   But part of the beauty of homeschool is that it works around each family’s needs and temporary seasons.  I’ve heard of others going thru difficult things to minimize schedules to the bare bones; also having older children apprentice a younger child with a project or assignment or story/game time has worked well for some while mom helps another with their work. 

    Perhaps one could declare a week long vacation (or a light week of a few basic subjects and a project to occupy them) and give yourself a little time and breathing room to pause and research what you would like to do from now until say Christmas vacation. 

    Just throwing around some ideas…

    God will never give us more than we can bear, He always provides a way.  Praying that His way will be illuminated to you. Never be afraid to ask others (family members, friends, etc) for some help with the gift of time. 


    When our family has gone through “crisis” mode we scale back.  We do math every day and handwriting/copywork.  I read to them and they read to me.  It might be history or science or it just might be a fun book.  The point when you cut back is just to read.  I was on bed rest with my last two pregnancies and my husband would bring down a stack of books in the morning and we’d read all day, just whatever we grabbed out of the pile.  Not the best of scenarios, but it worked and it’s what I could do at the time.

    As far as cost of SCM, it depends on if you use the library or not.  I tend to purchase my history books and it is between $100 and $200 a year.  I buy used from Amazon or Half or my local library sales and I buy throughout the year so it’s not one lump sum.  We buy some science books but use the library for most of them.  Other than a math program you’re not spending much else, unless you want a guide book from SCM and they aren’t too expensive.

    Do you currently have a math program you like?  Is it working for you?

    I would keep your two boys together for all subjects except maybe math.  Have them reading and listening to the same books.  Is your 18-yr-old still in school or is she taking college classes?  Tap her as a helper/teacher if possible.

    How about science?  CM is a lot about nature study and getting outdoors.  That can be hard when you have lots of appointments and feel so tired.  If you’re not currently using a “curriculum” how about letting your boys decide what they want to study and then hit the library and check out whatever you can find on the subject.  You may get some duds, but you’ll also find some really great books too.  Living books are fantastic, but sometimes we don’t have time to find ‘the perfect living book’ – do what you can and be at peace with it.  Most librarians are MORE than happy to take 10 and 11 year old boys around and help them find the books.  Maybe dad can take them in the evening or your older daughter.  Just tell the librarian they want to study blah-blah-blah and let her go to work.  Once they tire of that subject let them pick another and hit the library again.

    The history modules here at SCM are very good and the books they have listed are great.  And most libraries will have them.  Check out a few at a time and either read them out loud, have the boys read them to each other or to you or have your daughter read them to the boys.  You can get reading practice in by having the boys read to you while you work with your youngest daughter or wash dishes or fold laundry or sit with your feet up.   Let them narrate to you.  Or have them write a few simple sentences about what they read and then you’re done with handwriting too!

    Check out books on tape.  Another great way to get some more books inside of their heads.

    Don’t stress the “extras” right now.  Don’t worry about composers and poets and artists and such.  Just hit the basics.  Add in more when you feel ready to.   

    Breathe in and out and say a prayer.  Do what you can and know the Lord will make up the rest.  

    I hope I’m not coming off as “do this” because that’s not my intent.  I just want to give you some ideas on how you can have a Charlotte Mason education while still keeping things simple.  We homeschooling mothers tend to want to do bigger and better and more and sometimes we just need simple.  That’s what I love about SCM, it’s simple and most of the work is done for you.  If you need help figuring it out please let me or any of the other ladies here know and we’ll do our best to help you through it.

    Best wishes.




    Jesus Christ – He says, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

    Perpetual searching and NEVER finding the “right way” “right curric” Never being satisfied until Christ is all.  Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all these things SHALL be added unto you. This is a promise if you seek God first.

    I have 9 children(praise God) and I have been there.  There is no way out – a few good years/days but never satisfaction.  And that I learned is satifaction in Christ.  My advice stop searching for an answer and seek God and WAIT on Him.  During the day read aloud from the Bible, let children do copywork, spelling, etc from the Word. Play games to encourage scripture memorization, Challanges to memorize scripture,  Prayer together, sing hyms together, and simply enjoy the blessings the Lord has given you. Let it be a season of seeking God for His will for your school. How/and what the Lord wants for your children.  Because our ways are not His ways.

    You will be amazed how beautiful your home will become.

    With Love,


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