I just thought I’d add an example of my 8 year old and right start.
We have had our challenges with this program, but I must say I have noticed great growth in her this year, especially since I have slowed down and allowed her to enjoy it. Not sure which books your children are in, but we are in D now and she is much more independent with D than C (I hated C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) To help with independence, I print out pages from Rays arithmetic (story problems) and I have her work on 3 or 4 by herself. You could have one child work on something like that or even write out the warm up from their lesson to complete by themself. This also breaks down the monotony of the lessons. I have recently learned with right start to go at the child’s pace, even if that puts you behind. In the long run, they love the math and they will get ahead because of their love for it. Math is now my daughters favorite subject (she HATED it last year!!)
As I have noticed, children naturally do become more independent with age. From what I understand you have a young family and it is not uncommon for a mother of a young family to desire independence from their young ones. Stay encouraged that you are doing you best and giving you children a wonderful education in the process. Feel free to take occasional breaks when needed. Mommies need time, too.
From reading many of your posts lately and from having children the exact same ages as yours, I’d say feel free to pursue the independent learning as much as possible with as many as possible. I’ve detected much more stress in your recent posts (say 2 months or so) than over the previous year or two… even when you were getting ready to have baby number 4, you seemed more cool and collected.
I just again toyed with looking deeper into the Robinson method – great deal for 12 years of education…. but our needs are being met and I’m keeping up with our current “SCM curriculum guide for the most part” plan.
Linda is wise, you don’t want to jump too quickly and set them back, you don’t want to quash their love of learning, but you also don’t want to stay in a rut. If you aren’t getting done, what you KNOW you need to be getting done – you’re a smart lady, I know you KNOW…. then don’t be afraid to change course. Once that toddler is a little older you can always add subjects in for the family to do together. You should also evaluate your kids – do they have a personality that would thrive at being able to work on their own. My oldest could definitely do it – she’s SO diligent – if I gave her a years worth of work on a check off list and a suggested schedule for completing it – I have no doubt that she would get it done without any participation from me… my 6 year old, well, she’s another story.
You may want to pull out your list of goals for your kids… or make some if you don’t have them. Scripture memory is at the top of our list, yet for a while I was letting it go way too often. When I pulled out my goals, it was just what I needed to get back on track in that area.
So, all that to say… if you’re looking for permission…. DO IT! (I’d also suggest dropping the music lessons as it seems like they take a great deal of your personal attention, but that might be at the top of your goals for your children – so maybe it’s non-negotiable…. but pray about it at least, because sometimes what we want for them, is not what HE wants for them.)
you are right – things are worse this year than they were last year… but I can’t even pinpoint exactly why. The 3yo isn’t a big problem. The 18mo is not a problem. And most of our topics are done together so I can’t even say it is because of having 2 school aged kids now….
I just am scrambling to get a foothold this year. We have a week or two where everything is running pretty good – not perfect – and then there are times when it is going just so horrible it is amazing how horrible it is. And the thing is that it is like someone flipped a light-switch. Yesterday was fine. Today was horrible.
And although my 6yo is on some days testing limits… it really isn’t her.
It is me. And I don’t know how to fix it. And a change in curriculum or method isn’t likely to fix it at this stage. There may be some advantage if they were more independant – but that isn’t the stage of life we are at.
Don’t mind me too much – I’m sure in a couple of days I’ll be fine again and things will run smoothly for a few more days…
Hi Jenni! I smiled so much while reading your post. I laughed to myself, “This is us!” I don’t know if this means we’re unschooling, but whatever it is sure is amazing. Thanks for sharing that wonderful post.